Tongka Langit, 'Unique banana' which towering up to 7 meters high

 High stems, large fruits, grow only in the Maluku of a province in Indonesia, reasonable if it is called unusual bananas

Indonesia, a fertile land with a myriad of cultures and unique customs that will not be found in other countries. Not only the culture turned out, some species of flora in Indonesia are also unusual, one of which is a giant banana towering in Maluku, Indonesia called Tongka Langit.

This banana is actually the same as other fruit, only the size of fruit, stem height, and have its own properties make this one fruit is considered unique and rare. Well, to see how unique the Tongka Sky is, let us review more in detail.
Origin of naming Tongka Langit

                                                      The Origin of the Stick of Sky [Image source]

Latin or scientific name of this banana is Musa fehi or banana fei, but in Maluku better known as Tongka Sky. Giving a different name of this banana obviously cause. If in general the banana plunge leads to the ground, then Tongka Sky is the opposite, the fruit will look up to the sky. 

The existence of this banana is also only found in Maluku and partly in Papua, because it also many who consider this banana super unique.
Unusual height and shape of fruit

                                    Fruit Sticks The sky larger than bananas is usually [Image source]

High banana Tongka Sky can also reach 7 meters, with the shape of the stem perpendicular. If the fruit is very beautiful appearance, the skin will glossy as if made of plastic. 

The size of the fruit Tongka Sky is also unusual, with a length of 23 cm and weighs 300 grams, this fruit looks like a giant if dijejerkan with other bananas. Banana skin is thick and the flesh is yellow like butter, there are two types that can be enjoyed that is orange and red orange Tongka.
Believed to be a powerful medicine and healer of various diseases

                                                      Efficacy of Banana Stick Sky [Image source]

Based on research scientists ITB (Institut Teknologi Bandung), banana Tongka Sky was crowned as the healthiest bananas in Indonesia. Not only contain vitamin A and Betakaroten alone, long before that, the people of Maluku use this banana as a traditional medicine. 

According to their ancestors, this banana can increase stamina of the male alias used as a powerful medicine, can cure fever, lowers blood sugar, treat diabetes and eye diseases.
The mystery of the banana Tongka Sky at the foot of Mount Galunggung

                                          Bananas at the foot of Mount Galunggung [Image source]

In September 2017, the Center for Horticulture Research and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture found a species of banana Tongka Langit at the foot of Mount Galunggung, West Java. Scientists call this special as well as mysterious because the banana can only be found in its natural habitat, Maluku. As for the surrounding community call it with Banana Ranggap. 

From the search results, it was discovered that this banana had been there 4 years before Galunggung dripped in 1982. Approximately from where does this banana come
In addition to the high stems and fruit shape that nyeleneh from other bananas, in fact these bananas are consumed like any other fruits. Which is still a research until now is the existence of the original plant Maluku is also growing at the foot of Mount Galunggung. Yes, thankful because Indonesia is rich in unique flora that is also useful.


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    1 Response to "Tongka Langit, 'Unique banana' which towering up to 7 meters high"

    1. I enjoy reading about new and unusual plants, and liked your article-at least the parts I could understand. I think you need a native English speaker to go over this with you, as there are a number of words that are not English at all, and a number of odd choices (I think I figured out most of them, but not all) and several places that I couldn't make sense of. I am saying this in hopes of helping you, not of being hypercritical. Perhaps I could help you a bit?
      For example, the title: "Tongka Longit", 'a unique banana towering up to 7 meters high', or, 'a unique banana which towers up to 7 meters high.' One does not say "which towering". A few others to consider; "Galanggung dripped..." Did you perhaps mean that a volcano named Mount Galanggung erupted? Did you mean 'also' instead of 'alias'? And you ask the question "Approximately from where does this banana come" but you don't give an answer, or if you do, it isn't clear. Thank you, Denise
