An Adolescent Teenager Who Can Spawn, Back lay 2 eggs

                                             Akmal is hospitalized. (Yahya Maulana / detikcom)

Akmal (14), a teenager from Mangempang Village, Sapaya District, Gowa District, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. again making a scene. The reason, after receiving treatment at the hospital, Akmal back laying.

Accompanied by his parents and sister, Akmal received intensive care at Syech Yusuf Sungguminasa Hospital.
Previously, Akmal suffered from abdominal pain, which was then taken by his parents to the puskesmas (Puskesmas are government-mandated community health clinics located across Indonesia), which was then referred to the hospital.

"Last night he had a stomachache, so I took it to the puskesmas and puskesmas to refer here," said Rusli, Akmal's parents.

                                                                            Photo: Yahya Maulana / detikcom

The hospital's X-ray showed two eggs in Akmal's body. The two eggs have now been removed. "It was eleven o'clock in the afternoon to lay eggs again," Rusli said.

Two years ago, Akmal stirred the medical world after removing nine eggs gradually.

Yahya Maulana - detikNews

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