Why Children Are Always Looking For The Mother When Sad?

                                                   Children cry ( Photo: flickr )

Children who are in the arms of the mother will be flooded with hormones of happiness

When a child is stressed, lonely, upset, there is one magical method of healing. You just need five minutes to test it, and maybe try it right now. What is that? Meet or call mother.
In the science of social relationships, the love of a mother has magical powers. Scientists have always known, for example, that a child in a mother's arms will be flooded with the hormone oxytocin aka the hormone of happiness. This makes the mother and child bond stronger, relieves stress, and builds confidence.

The power of mother love can be more powerful than that. Recent research mentions physical contact with the mother provides hormonal benefits, even when you are within three thousand miles of it.

Quoted from Reader's Digest, Friday (2/2), a study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Child Emotion Lab said when he heard the voice of the mother over the phone, the child's stress can be reduced. Mother's voice is the same as his embrace.
Scientists examined 61 girls aged seven to 12 years. 

They were asked to solve the mathematical problem is quite complicated for his age. After being quite tired, 21 children were asked to meet their mother and embraced. Another 20 children were asked to speak with her mother over the phone for 15 minutes. The rest, 20 children were asked to watch a video together with their mothers.

Scientists then analyze the blood samples of each child to measure levels of oxytocin and stress hormones (cortisol) in the body. The research team found some surprising results.
The level of stress reduction of these three groups of children is almost the same. Lead author of the study, Leslie Seltzer said children who interact with her mother, directly or indirectly show the same hormonal response.

If the mother is gone or is unlikely to be contacted, is the father the next best choice?
The answer may not be. A paper from the Journal of Personal and Social Psychology says talking to a mother or woman can reduce feelings of loneliness and improve mood more than talking to a man, no matter what your gender.

Researchers monitored 96 students, then recorded and assessed each of their social interactions. Both men and women feel less lonely after talking to women.
Most women are naturally skilled at listening and responding emotionally to the other person. According to Kira Asatryan in Psychology Today, the female brain combines good social skills and feelings for the lives of others.
"When lonely, talk to a female friend and you may get a more genuine response than a man," he said.

Mutia Ramadhani
Reader's Digest

child crying
Sad child
Mother hugs

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