7 Lies that Girls Spoke

                                                      ( Photo: cultbeauty.co.uk )
Do you know, girls often lie to cover up their weaknesses? What are the little lies they are doing?

Girls are the most mysterious creatures. It's not easy to guess what's on their mind. Some girls are more possessive about their relationship and sometimes choose to lie to maintain that relationship.
They lie to prove they look good in someone's eyes. Here are some small lies that often do girls.


1. One more minute
The boys must be familiar with this one sentence. Girls often use this one sentence when their partner asks her out and she is not ready yet. Believe me, one minute in a girl dictionary means an hour.
They dress up very long. Better you bring something to repel boredom. And do not forget, get used to pick him up two hours before the specified time. Because you certainly do not want to be late for an event because he is dressed too long is not it?


2. Age
When a guy gets acquainted with a girl, never ask how old she is. Girls are usually upset when asked about their age.
And even if they answer the question, they usually lie to you by calling younger than the actual age. Of course not all girls do it, just a few.


3. Do not hear the phone sound
When girls are angry or upset with your behavior, they will usually be silent and refuse to talk to you. Then when you call him, he will not pick it up.
When you meet him and ask him directly, the answer they say is usually "I do not hear my phone ring." These lies are also often used when they're busy doing something or watching favorite tv shows.


4. I do not care
If a girl says she does not care, believe me, the truth is the opposite. A wounded girl will use this phrase as a form of self-defense. Actually they care and think about the problem between you and him protracted.


5. I will not be angry
These lies they usually utter when he asks your opinion. It could be about his appearance, his cooking, or the gift he gives you.
Before you answer it, think carefully about the right sentence. Because, whatever argument you say, will never be true for them. Girls are always right.


6. You are the first
These lies are usually used by girls to cover their past. Instead of telling the truth, they prefer to polish sweet sentences to keep your attention distracted.


7. I like you for what it is
At the beginning of the relationship, this is what he will say to you as his partner. But without you knowing it, he will turn you into someone he wants slowly. And when the relationship does not go well, your sentence that he will use is "You change."

Sulung Lahitani Mardinata

Women Lying
Female Lies

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