It's The Secret To Keep Your Hand Not Wrinkled While Doing a lot of Household Work

                                  So that the hands are not wrinkled |

Natural way that we can use to overcome the hands of wrinkles

Aging does not only happen on the face but can be on other parts such as hands.
Especially for housewives, hands become part that is not treated because often do various jobs such as washing dishes, mopping, cooking and so forth.
Reporting from Brightside, the hand will indeed grow faster than the face.
In order for the hands to remain smooth despite the housework piling up, Moms can do this easy way at home.

1. Wash hands properly

Too much hand washing with soap will make the hands moisture Moms are reduced and dry.
In order to keep the hands moisture awake should avoid using antibacterial soap and choose soaps containing jojoba oil, olive oil or aloe vera.
We recommend that you wash your hands with warm water to keep your hands moist.
Avoid using a drying machine or toilet paper when drying your hands.
When washing dishes should use gloves to protect hands from chemicals in dishwashing soap.

2.Use lotion

                                           Photo by Ross WhitakerGetty Images    

Do not be lazy to use lotion or hand cream that serves to moisturize hands.
Apply lotion or hand cream at least twice a day.
For maximum results, before bed, should use cotton gloves after applying hand cream.
In order for moisture Moms awake, do not forget to do the scrub at least once a week.
Recipe scrubs that can be tried, among others, mix half an avocado, egg yolks and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
Then apply to hand and let stand for 20 minutes.

3.Use sunscreen

The important thing that is often forgotten by women is to use sunscreen when out of the house.
In fact, sunscreen is very important to protect the skin from malignant UV rays.
We can also make natural ingredients to make our skin white.
The trick is to make a mask of a mixture of a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of milk and a teaspoon of honey.
Apply the mask to hand regularly.
When washing dishes should use gloves to protect hands from chemicals in dishwashing soap.

Gisela Niken

Hand wrinkles
House chores

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