This Is What Will Happen If You Put Salt In Every Home Corner ...

                            Sea salt is most commonly used for cooking and beauty spices.  (AFP Photo / Dominique Faget) 
Salt is one of important kitchen spices. The absence of salt in home cooking can make a taste of tasteless food.

Now there are many variants of salt in the world, depending on the different shapes, colors and content, for example salt, kosher salt, sea salt, Himalayan salt, Celtic salt, kala namek, and crystalline sea salt.

But the most commonly used is sea salt. Sea salt is produced from the evaporation of sea water. This type of salt has many uses, including as cooking spices and cosmetics.

Quoted from the page, Thursday (22/2/2018), to clean your room from negative energies, supposedly can be obtained by putting sea salt in every corner of the house.

A small bowl of sea salt is believed to suck up the negative energy that the body does not need. The more you sow sea salt in each corner of the house, the greater the positive energy vortex around your residence.

One simple way is simply sprinkle sea salt on the carpet, after about an hour, clean it with a vacuum cleaner or a vacuum cleaner. Alternatively, you can put a bowl of sea salt in the corner of the room, let stand a few hours, then lift.
Salt crystals are believed to be amazing natural ability to absorb negative energy in the home.

Not only that by putting it in the corner, the efficacy of sea salt can also be obtained in three ways:

1. Bedroom

                                                           photo illustration stylish bed room / bedroom (iStockphoto)

Use the bowl as a "magnet" to attract the juju (bad terms in feng shui) from the air in your home.
A small bowl of sea salt laid under the bed for a day, it is said, can get rid of feeling lazy.

In other words, the more sea salt that is placed in every corner of the house, as well as the vortex of positive energy that revolves around the house and the more you avoid sloth.

2. Living Room

                                             Illustration of the living room. (iStockphoto)

Dissolve a few tablespoons of sea salt in a bucket of water. Use to clean the windows of the house, the kitchen floor, the refrigerator, the bathtub, the living room floor and the dining room.

You can apply it anywhere in your home, but the recommended daily cleaning routine is the living room.

3. Bathroom

                                          Bold colors will energize your home. Check out the tips.(

Mixing one or two cups of sea salt into the water in the bath can rejuvenate the skin of the body. You just need to soak the salt for about 20 minutes in the bath, then wash the body using the water of the bath.

Natural content and a distinctive aroma of sea salt, he said, can release toxins in the body and reflect the brain.

Afra Augesti 

• salt
• Sea salt
• Home Corner

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