Check out the Personality of Your nails, which one?


A person's personality can not only be seen through his name, birth date, or face shape only. There are parts of the body that is quite easy to see to know the characteristics of a person's nails hand!

Yes, the shape of the nails of each person is different. But if note there is a tendency of certain forms that can be used as a pattern. The patterns are believed Japanese society can reflect the personal owner as reported by page rocketnews24, Monday (01/06/2015).

Vertical and elongated

1. Vertical and elongated

You tend to be romantic!
You use the right brain more often and are very imaginative. You are also very thorough and creative. But, you tend to be easily affected by the circumstances and easy to deceive. Therefore you should be more careful. You will be difficult to adapt or understand the intentions of people who are more using the left brain and logic. It's not impossible if you and that person will end up in conflict.

Widened sideways

2. Widened sideways

You rely heavily on theory and tend to get easily upset.
Your left brain is more dominant and you are very good at speaking. You can always express what you think with the right words. This causes people to think you are very straightforward and unceremonious. Even so, you tend to be impatient and irritable, so it's good if you learn to control yourself bit by bit. You can lose patience when faced with people with right-brain tendencies who use more hearts than their heads.

Round eggs

3. Round eggs

You are relaxed and tend to be passive.
You are the type that flows without burden and does everything in your own way. You are very easy to socialize and always appear as a mediator if there is a hostile. Your pleasant personality makes you easy to be liked by many people. But often you are also regarded as an easy person, so you should be careful to bring yourself so that friends do not lose confidence. Compared to other personal types, you are relatively easy to get along with any type of personality.

4. The box

You are serious and stubborn.

You are diligent and courageous. Box nail shapes are generally owned by men. Your seriousness is something that should be thumbs up. But your stubborn and inflexible nature can tarnish all the virtues of your behavior. Try to reduce the stubbornness and become more flexible so that you can more easily achieve what you want.
5. Triangle

You are a sensitive genius.
You always come up with fresh ideas and careful attention to details that your partner missed. People who have inner triangle nails sometimes like to impose a will, while people with triangular nails outward are very sensitive and can not tolerate people who you think are less wise. They are somewhat annoyed with people who are too comfortable doing things their own way.

Resembles almonds

6. Resembles almonds

You are faithful and honest.
You have an amazing, kind, and always sincere imagination in others. You are very polite, but less tolerant and tend to be easily upset when faced with things that are not liked. It's good to pull over for a moment and cool your mind if you're emotional so you can again see the problem from a balanced side.

Resembles a sword

7. Resembles a sword

You are an ambitious idealist.
You do not hesitate to work hard to realize the dream. You will do anything that can help achieve desire, even if you do not like it. Unfortunately, you are less able to cooperate with others. You tend to be upset and impatient with people you consider too relaxed and unable to keep up with your work. It would be better if you learn to cooperate with others.

Dyah Puspita Wisnuwardani

Personality type
Nail shape
Personality of Someone

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