Girl 8 Years Reply SMS Operator Notify Internet Quota Expired, Apparently Can Response

                                    Collage Tribunnews / Facebook | Claire Bullen-Jones
                                    Macie Bullen-Jones

When we run out of pulses or internet packages, maybe we do the same thing with the 8-year-old girl from Wigan, England.
SMS notifications from operators who mention the quota or internet package is up is indeed annoying.
Sometimes we reply to the SMS, although there is definitely no answer because the message was automatically sent by the system.
But different is the case with Macie Bullen-Jones.

                                                       Macie Bullen-Jones (Facebook /
                                                       Claire Bullen-Jones)

The 8-year-old girl just got her first mobile phone at Christmas last year.
When Macie first gets an iPhone, her mom, Claire Bullen-Jones tells stories on Facebook how her daughter sends a message to all her friends that she already has a new phone.
Macie was having fun using her new iPhone.

Until one day, he got a message from the operator informing him that his pulses were exhausted.
To the Manchester Evening News, the mother said that Macie often opened YouTube, even very obsessed with YouTube.

Macie also often creates her own videos and uploads them to social media.
Naturally, if the Internet data quickly run out.
When Macie got the notification SMS, he did his best to get over it.
The plain girl replied to the operator's message, "Please can I have more data."
He also politely replied to the operator requesting additional internet data.

                                                   SMS operator (Facebook / 
                                                   Claire Bullen-Jones)

Because the SMS is automatic, Macie replies are not sent.
But his mother saw his child's behavior and distributed it to Facebook.
Unexpectedly, the post was viral until it finally reached the operator's ear.
The operator finally sent Macie a humorous reply letter.

                                            Letter from the carrier (Facebook 
                                            / Claire Bullen-Jones)

The letter from the operator explained that they did not add Macie's data because he did not help his mother much at home.
Instead, the operator sends a spin fidget while he can not use his mobile for YouTube's.

                                            Rewards from operators (Facebook  / 
                                            Claire Bullen-Jones)

According to Manchester Evening News, the mother asked the operator to respond to her daughter by saying that if Macie wants to help with homework, she will get internet data again.
Upon arrival of the letter, Macie's mother revealed that her son was more diligent than ever.
"He came home from school and cleaned up his room, even Macie did not complain when told to do something else, it's kind of a job to get internet quotas," Claire told the Manchester Evening News.

Tiara Shelavie

Macie Bullen-Jones

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