5 Vegetables that Make Women Pregnant Fast

                                         Spinach | Via: draxe.com

Among so many healthy foods, there are some vegetables rich in nutrients and can accelerate pregnancy. These vegetables specifically contain zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other nutrients that increase fertility, ovulation rates and egg quality.
Anything? following his review, as quoted Boldsky, Tuesday (2/2/2016).

1. Spinach
Spinach is known for iron, folate, zinc, and antioxidants. But in addition, spinach was able to increase fertility and make pregnancy easier. Consumption of steamed spinach, add on soup or can be eaten raw as a salad.

2. Bit Leaves
Bit leaves are also rich in iron which can be a pregnancy solution. Therefore, one reason for the occurrence of infertility due to decreased levels of ovulation. Leaf beets are also rich in vitamin C and folate, which is another nutrient the body needs for pregnancy.

These canaries are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that regulate hormones and help speed pregnancy.

4. Broccoli
Broccoli can rid the body of hormone metabolites such as excess metabolites of estrogen in the body, which interfere with normal pregnancy hormones. Thus, in order to get pregnant quickly, you may have to try eating this vegetable routine.

5. Pumpkin seeds and oysters
Pumpkin seeds and oysters are high in zinc, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. Lack of zinc in the body is directly related to infertility in men and women. Therefore, zinc is important in maintaining the quality of eggs and sperm. It also helps protect sperm from chromosomal damage.

Fitri Syarifah

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