Kadupul, the World's Most Expensive Flower Who Can not Be Honored with Money! What is special?

                                          The most expensive flower cadet in the world 
                                                   ( Photo: intisari.grid.id| pinterest )

If you had a booming wave of love worth billions of rupiah, or black Papua orchid that is valued hundreds of millions, may be lost with this one flower.
Sri Lanka's original flower flower is said to be the most expensive flower in the world.
This flower is very beautiful white and yellow, its size can reach 30 cm.
The scientific name is Epiphyllum oxypetalum.
Besides being found in Sri Lanka, kadupul also exist in some countries such as India and South America.
If at first glance you see this flower like wijaya kusuma flowers rampant in Indonesia, they are still in a cactus flower family.
Epiphyllum anguliger or wijaya kusuma price is not as expensive as this flower.
Kadupul even ranked first as the most expensive flower on all internet sites featuring the most expensive list of flowers in the world.

This flower also beat Juliet Rose, a beautiful rose that cost billions of dollars.
There are several reasons why these flowers are so expensive.
Reported from serenataflowers.com, kadupul only bloom at night between the hours of 10 to 11 nights and only for two hours.
The scent is also so fragrant when blooming, like giving peace to those who kissed her.

                                                    Kadupul ( Photo: intisari.grid.id )

Not only that, in Sri Lanka kadupul also considered as a legendary flower.
This flower is considered down from the sky associated with the gods, it is believed the gods descend from the sky also when blooming kadupul.
While in India, this flower is dubbed Brahma Kamal, a flower named after the creator of the Universe, Brahma.


Because it is so expensive nowadays still kadupul still difficult to be traded, because rare and can not be harvested, he will wither a few seconds after picking.
If you are interested in buying it will be very difficult, because there is no nominal value of money that is sure to appreciate it.

Masrurroh Ummu Kulsum


# kadupul # expensive # flowers # beautiful

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    8 Responses to "Kadupul, the World's Most Expensive Flower Who Can not Be Honored with Money! What is special? "

    1. i have one, that kind of flower

    2. I have a kadupol flower. You can email me, if you're interested. Thank you

    3. For interested buyer email me at vioskhizr@gmail.com

    4. I also have one. If anyone is interested to buy just send me email.

    5. My sister want to sale her kadupul if anyone interested... just email me.

    6. Anyone interested? Buyer? Just email me..at reasonable price.

    7. Anyone looking to buy for this plant at cheap price? Email me..atbarcoma@gmail.com

    8. Email me altheamish05@gmail.com i have so many kadupul plant. With discount on sure buyer
