6 Unusual Meals That Only exist in Indonesia

6 Unusual Meals That Only exist in Indonesia

Not only the culture is diverse, food in Indonesia is also a lot of its kind. Well, among the many foods are tucked away some foods with names and raw materials are strange in certain areas that are considered unorthodox for some people. 

Want to know what foods are less common and only exist in Indonesia? Let's see the list below!

1. Fried Gecko Meat

                                      Photo Source: winnyasaari - WordPress.com

Just imagine it amused, what else if you have to eat this gecko meat? But make no mistake, a lot of people who actually use gecko meat for the treatment of skin diseases. 

It is said that meat gecko that has been skinned and then fried is believed to be effective to treat various diseases, ranging from skin diseases, asthma, and even increase male stamina. You believe?

2. Roast Mouse
                                                  Photo Source: Pikabu

Hearing the name of grilled mouse food is terrible. But this one food really exist in Indonesia, especially in Manado area. Usually these roasted rats are very easy to find in some markets in Manado. 

But, the rats used instead of random rats, but the white tailed rats. Once a mouse is still a rat, right? Anyone dare?

3. Bothok Hornet

                                         Photo Source: Blog of BlackGarlic - BlackGarlic ID

Bothok is a typical Javanese food made from dregs or coconut cake that has been taken essence or his coconut milkWell, different from bothok wasps, where the menu is made of honeycomb material. 

It tastes spicy, sweet and sour but fresh. To find this type of food, you can find it in rural areas of East Java.

4. Rujak Cingur

                                                                                 Photo Source: Emak Mbolang

Maybe some of you there who already know this typical East Java food. Rujak cingur made from the main ingredient cingur (taken from the nose and cow's mouth). 

This food is typical food of the city of Surabaya and usually enjoyed using sambal petis and peanut. Even so, it turns out that many people who love this food! For you who are curious as it feels, try deh stop by Rujak Cingur Diwek in Cinere area. Maknyus!

5. Grasshopper

                                                             Photo Source: Yogyakarta Tourism - Travel Guide

In the area of ​​Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, many found strange snacks, one of which is a fried mongoose or fried fried grasshopper and packed in plastic. This food is sold in many shops and some tourist attractions. 

For those who never eat it still admitted that this fried gnome has a tasty taste. But, there is also an allergy arising from consuming it. So, be careful, yes!

6. Sate Kere

                                                                                    Photo Source: YouTube

In the past, meat satay was a sumptuous meal that only the nobles could enjoy. Thus, ordinary people can not enjoy it. 

As a solution, these poor people make satay made from basic ingredients of tempe and kikil called satekere. Sate of this type is widely found in the area of ​​Solo, Central Java.


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