Unexpectedly, Google Wearing Antique Motors Take Street Photos


Since its inauguration in 2014, Google actively captured 360 degree street scene through its Street View service in Indonesia. However, recently circulated a viral photo featuring an unusual Google Street View vehicle.

Rather than using four-wheeled vehicles, Google instead use two-wheeled motorcycle alias motor. Motornya also use the motor 'antique' made by Honda. This is seen from the Honda logo in the seat.

This photo of the Google Street View employee viewer was uploaded by Jasuma Putra on Facebook. The photo he spread on the page group Motovlog Community Indonesia.

"Someone who made a vlog wear tool like this ?," he wrote as quoted from the Facebook page on Wednesday (21/2/2018).

                                                        Photos: Facebook

Somehow Google chose motorcycles as a vehicle for taking Street View shots. It could be because to avoid congestion or motorcycle is used to take pictures on the road that is difficult to pass by car.

Post Jasuma is instantly make wonder netizen. Some are happy because Google Street View is finally entering the aisle. Anyone who commented about his bike is antique and legendary.

The choice of outside car means to take Street View shots is not the first time. In 2015, Google had time to capture the scenery in Borobudur by using a backpack.

By Google, shooting with this rucksack is called Street View Trekker. Eko Pramono is the operator figure behind Street View Trekker. Eko has traveled to more than 20 pedestrian areas in Indonesia, such as Borobudur Temple, Barong, Ijo, Kalasan, Mendut, Pawon, Pramban, Ratu Boko, Sambi Sari, Sari, Sewu, and others.

Muhammad Alif Goenawan

google street view

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