5 Best Fruits for Small Growth

                                                  Photo: plantationsinternational.com

Fruits are rich in essential nutrients such as fiber, calcium, iron, zinc, folic acid, and vitamins A, B, C, and E that play an important role in child growth. These minerals and vitamins, are called essential because the body can not make it on its own.

Therefore, the Small is recommended to eat the following fruits, which can help optimize its growth.

1. Avocado

Fat content in avocado is the highest compared to other fruits. That is why, avocado has a soft and creamy texture. The fat content in it is largely composed of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid, which is essential for brain development.
Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin, therefore it is high in the avocado. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that serves to protect cells from various damages.

Zinc mineral content (Zn) and vitamin E in avocados are also high. Zinc minerals are an essential element for metabolism in various organ systems so it is indispensable in the process of child growth. Zinc also strengthens the immune system and helps wound healing.

Avocados are the fruit with the highest fiber content. In one bowl containing 230 grams of avocado puree contained 15 grams of fiber. Therefore, avocado can be used to overcome constipation in children.

Fiber content also serves as food (prebiotic) for good bacteria in the intestine so that children are not easy to experience diarrhea.

2. Banana

Bananas are a major source of potassium minerals needed to maintain fluid balance in the body, blood pressure, and help the muscles and heart work. Blood flow in the body becomes more smoothly so that the child's concentration increases.

Carbohydrate content in bananas can also be used as an instant energy source for children, who are generally physically active. Surely, this is much healthier than if children were given foods high in calories that lack nutritional content.
Bananas are also rich in iron, folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, and copper that play a role in forming red blood cells.

3. Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is rich in iron and vitamin A. Both are necessary for healthy hair growth and strong. Vitamin A is also beneficial to maintain healthy skin and eyes.

Levels of calcium and unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) in the dragon fruit is quite high. Mineral calcium plays an important role in the immune system, wound healing, and prevent respiratory problems. While unsaturated fatty acids can support brain development.

Like avocado, the fiber content in the dragon fruit is high and can be used as a laxative to overcome constipation in children. The oil content in the seeds can also soften the consistency of feces.

4. Papaya

Papaya is a source of vitamin C that is cheap and easily available in Indonesia. Papaya can meet daily vitamin C requirement of 157% of AKG, which is very high.

Vitamin C is needed to form connective tissues in the body such as skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Its role is also important in the healing process of the wound and the immune system.

In addition to vitamin C, papaya also rich in lycopene, one of the antioxidants that can protect and repair the body from various damages. Lycopene in papaya is much easier to absorb than from other fruits or vegetables.

5. Mango

It tastes sweet and soft texture makes mango is often the favorite fruit of children. Mango is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C.

One cup of mango chunks (100 grams) gives 25% vitamin A and 50% AKG vitamin C. Mango is also rich in glutamine acid, which can improve brain function and memory in children.
Like bananas, mangoes are high in calories so they can be used as a source of instant energy and food to gain weight.

Although one fruit can contain a variety of nutrients, but no fruit that can meet all the nutritional needs of children. Therefore, introduce and familiarize the Little to consume various types of fruit so that he grows healthy, strong, and optimal development. In addition, provide foods rich in the content of other nutrients for their needs fulfilled.


• fruit
• Poppet
• Child Growth
• Child

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