careful, your following morning habits can actually make you gain weight.
is the best time to start things, including losing weight. Be careful, your
morning habits can be a trigger weight gain and disrupt the process of getting
the ideal weight.
to Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., an expert from the Institute for Sustainable
Weight Loss, morning habits really have an impact on what you will do
throughout the day. Starting the morning with the wrong habits can make your
diet program ineffective, even fail.
is certainly annoying, especially the habit of the morning can trigger weight
gain. For that, avoid these five habits of the morning so that the weight you
dream of immediately materialized.
1. Excessive sleep
deprivation at night can make weight gain. It happens because the increase in
the hormone cortisol in the body that can stimulate the appetite becomes
higher. On the contrary, too much sleep can make weight gain.
study in the journal PLOS One found that excessive sleep, up to more than 10
hours, may increase the risk of obesity. Thus, the recommended sleep duration
is just enough, seven to nine hours.
2. Less sunlight
morning sun exposure has been proven to make your mood all day better. More
than that, the morning sun can also help you lose weight.
study from PLOS One explains that letting your bedroom window shut tight in the
morning can eliminate the body's chance of benefiting from the sun. Researchers
found that people who often exposed to morning sunlight tend to be faster in
losing weight.
researchers say it does not take long to get the benefits of sunlight in losing
weight. You only need 20 to 30 minutes to be in the sun every morning.
3. Not tidy up the bed
survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found that people who always
tidy up the bed in the morning will have better sleep. And good sleep and
quality are directly related to the weight loss process.
4. You do not weigh the
one habits you need to always do to ensure how many calories you should burn
every day. Research conducted by Cornell University looked at 162 overweight
women and men for two years.
the study found that those who are accustomed to weighing the weight in the
morning tend to be more successful in losing weight.
weighing, you will know for sure your weight. If there is still much to be
reduced, you will be more careful and keep the diet to keep the weight does not
continue to grow.
5. Skip the breakfast
you want to lose weight, you should not miss breakfast. Research reveals,
people who regularly eat breakfast with a healthy menu of 600 calories tend not
fast hungry all day long. The recommended breakfast menu consists of lean
protein, carbohydrates and little sweet foods.
of the above is a habit that many people do in the morning and in fact
potentially trigger weight gain. If you do not want to gain weight, avoid the
five points above and do the opposite. Let's change the habit of the morning to
be more organized and healthy!
Women's Health
• Weight
• The morning habit
• Weight Gain
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