Apparently, Here's How to Eliminate Moles Without Surgery


How to remove a mole

Moles are dark and irregular spots on the skin. There is a mole that sweetens the face because of its shape and location.
However, there are also Moms who do not like moles because it may be the location and shape make the face look so not beautiful.
Other problems, birthmarks, hemangiomas, and keratosis can also appear as undesirable spots.
So there are indeed various reasons Moms want to eliminate moles.
But know, Moms, there is a way to remove moles without surgery as quoted from the site Quora.


Garlic can also be useful for removing moles.
Take the garlic and slice it in half, then stick it on the mole and make sure to avoid the surrounding skin as it can burn.
Cover with a bandage and leave it overnight. Repeat for several days until the mole disappears.
This method has been said to work in just five days.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most common treatments for removing moles.
The acids contained in vinegar, such as malic acid and tartaric are really powerful for removing moles.
Simply rub a little to his mole. But before the skin should be clean.
Iodine is a good choice for people with more sensitive skin, because it will not burn like garlic and apple vinegar.
Apply iodine directly to the mole three times a day, do this every day.


Pineapple can be applied directly to the mole, but Moms should also try to mix pineapple with coarse sea salt to make facial scrubs.
This can help remove the top layer of skin from the mole.
Castor oil and baking soda
Mix one tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of castor oil.
Apply a little directly to Moms Mole and leave for a few hours or a night before washing.


Honey is known as a delicious food, but did Moms know that honey also contains antibacterial and healing properties that impress?
Apply honey directly to the mole for a natural and safe treatment.
The methods above may Moms try. Even so, Moms should be alert to the mole which is a sign of skin cancer. For example if it continues to widen, itch, redden, inflamed and other signs.
Better to see a doctor immediately if Moms find unusual signs on the mole. (*)

Nila Kusuma Pratiwi
Soesanti Harini Hartono

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