4 Types Of Foods Causes Diabetes

You need to think twice before eating this food, because it can cause diabetes

                                                4 Types Of Foods Causes Diabetes Klikdokter.com

Diabetes or diabetes will be familiar to your ears. Yes, this is a disease that causes blood sugar levels tend to be high. If left unchecked, it can adversely affect the health of the eyes, nerves, kidneys or other organs.
Diabetes can be caused by many factors. One of them is food consumed daily.
Talking about foods that cause diabetes, what first comes to mind? Is it just sweet food? Well, in order not to be mistaken, this is the food that can actually trigger diabetes in yourself:

1. High carbohydrate
High-carbohydrate or highly processed carbohydrates such as fresh bread, pasta, macaroni, biscuits, canned fruit, candy, and the like can trigger diabetes when consumed in excess. The cause is a very high sugar content in these foods.

2. Soft drinks (soft drinks)
In one can of soft drinks there are about 30 grams of sugar or equivalent to 9 teaspoons of sugar. The amount is certainly very high.
A study conducted by the American Diabetes Association showed that the risk of diabetes mellitus increased 26% in those who consumed 1-2 soft drinks per day.

3. Saturated fat
In addition to increasing cholesterol levels, saturated fats or saturated fats can also increase the risk of diabetes. This type of fat is found in high-fat milk, processed cheese, butter, peanut butter, and lean meat.

4. Red meat
Nonfat red meat is not a problem, because it is a good source of animal protein. However, processed red meats such as bacon in burgers or sausages contain high salt and potentially cause diabetes. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating red meat that has been processed can increase the risk of diabetes mellitus.

Although the food above can cause diabetes or diabetes, it does not mean you should avoid it altogether. You just have to limit the consumption so as not to overdo it. Do not forget to always apply a healthy lifestyle, and exercise regularly and regularly. Thus, the risk of diabetes will be smaller or even disappear altogether.

dr. Sepriani Timurtini Limbong

• Diabetes
• Food Causes Diabetes
• food

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