This 72-year-old grandmother gave birth to a baby boy

                                                                Daljinder And Singh Gill (

If God wills, everything can happen. That is also experienced by Daljinder Kaur, a 72-year-old woman from Amitsar, India. Although already old, he was finally given a gift, gave birth to a baby boy on April 19, 2016.
Daljinder is married to her husband, Singh Gill (79), for 47 years. Previously they had despair because not also given offspring. Finally they do fertility therapy in Haryana.

"I feel sad because I can not produce offspring," said Gill, Wednesday, May 11, 2016.
Their sadness deepened, because the people around him thought that sterility was a curse from God.
Because of the strong desire to have offspring, they do everything. Includes willingly come from Amitsar, Punjab, to National Fertility and Test Tube Baby Center in Hisar, Haryana, since 2013.
At the fertility clinic, they undergo an in vitro seeding treatment (IVF). And it turns out, all their efforts are not in vain. Healthy baby boys they've got.

Daljinder is very happy with the birth of a baby boy named Arman Singh. "God hears our request, this is very important to us, I can live happily now.
Anurag Bishnoi, who runs the fertility clinic, said, "First I tried to avoid the problem because he was very weak, but then his medical record was normal and he was ready for treatment."
This success is not the first one for this clinic. In 2006 ago, there was also a 70-year-old woman who managed to have offspring with the same care.

Eko Huda S

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