5 Story of Children who Fought for School makes you want to hug Them

 Conditions are indeed many hurdles, but our passion is bigger than that

School laziness is something that is often felt. This is usually caused by a trivial matter such as a difficult course or a grumpy teacher. But you guys know not on the other side there are lots of people who are struggling to go to school.
The difficulties they face are the distance between the house to school or also the road terrain that is difficult to pass. One example is there is a little girl who willingly passes every day mountain in the town of Barabai, South Kalimantan. And many more tough children struggle who just want to go to school even though circumstances are not possible

1.Jibay, the little girl who went to school walked 8 km

What are you doing if the distance of the home and the school is 8 Km away and there is no vehicle? Surely you guys choose not to school. But the child was 9 years old girl named Jibay. He willingly walked up and down the mountain in order to school. The course slippery, steep climbs, mud wallows and ravine located at the left and right side of the road do not hinder Jibay to educated.

                                                              Jibay, Filipina girls ride down the mountain to go to school [image source]

In fact she also does not want this every day but indeed because circumstances require it as such. The nearest school from his home was indeed in place he studied at State primary school
Haruyan Dayak 2 Kampung Patikalain village of cabai. If You are still not happy with less pocket money Jibay that walking to school was never as far as bringing pocket money and only accompanied by a bottle of plain water. He never complained, with all the limitations that exist because she think of is how to get to school before the bell rang.

2. Dio, Paralyzed the students go to school every day by his mother assisted

Physical disability is not an obstacle for the study. As Dio four grade students study in State primary school 1 Senden, Trenggalek. He suffered a paralytic disease withering that cause she could not walk. This disease has suffered since grade one elementary school
 which is characterized by the strength of the legs that have started to weaken.
                                                              Dio, a paralyzed student in his arms his mother [image source]

Indeed he initially embarrassed by her condition, but thanks to the spirit of that given his mother, he became more confident again. The mother named Yuliati don't feelthe objections his son pick up and drop off every day. Since she knew that the spirit which exists inside Dio to school never turns off. Even a child who was 12 years old to school until high school level in spite of its limitations.

3. Students in South Sulawesi, Indonesia crossed using bridges damaged

If we pass a good bridge alone is still afraid of falling, what about the fate of elementary school children who daily have to pass bridges broken? Yes. It experienced students of presidential instruction, Bone Regency. They inevitably have to walk across the River with a bridge was damaged because it was the nearest road heading to their schools.

                                                            The students who have to skip damaged bridges [image source]

Originally the bridge was undamaged, but the deluge coming so this crossing tools be collapsed. Because a determination of their learning is stronger than his fear, then Elementary School students through the debris with the bamboo very carefully. They walked as if no matter will the risks they face.
What they dont fear of falling? Slipped off a bridge is not a novelty anymore. One of the victims was Sri. When crossed, his grip slippery and made him unable to hold the balance. A young girl was lucky, it does not directly fall into the River, but rather stuck up in a tree.

4. State 1 Campoan elementary school which is across the River in order to go to school

The counter-current river past the rapids had to be passed by students of Public Alementary school 1 Campoan, Situbondo. They willingly wet uniform as long as it can get at school. In addition, the bully these minor use flip-flops from vex them to walk on the river. The road through the river is really the only one.
                                                             The struggle of the students and teachers State primary school 1 
                                                             Campoan to kee school [imagesource]

There is no access road to go to school. Residents have asked the local Governmentto pay attention to in particular distress the most citizens of this emergency. But until now still no response means. This is not experienced by his disciple, but his teachers as well. They were digging to get to the edge of the river. If they can be said as if no matter with the important life can be demanding and science teachers can educate their students in the school.

5. Elementary school Students in Nganjuk had to climb the Hill and across the forest

Not to mention if being the rainy season, the roads become more difficult and the waves of the river water is more heavily than usual. Their journey was approximately1.5 hours that reportedly it was their minimal time. This pitiful conditions but not the spirit of the children for school. Yes, although they should be draining and willing to bet the life. Until recently the area of Nganjuk still do not get the attention of the local government.

                                                              Ngepung I Elementary School Students climbing limestone [image source]

Various obstacles that are big enough to go to school in fact dont make them lazy to school. It is precisely these circumstances make the students and encouraged the students to study extended. How about you? What is there is still a sense of lazy to school after seeing the children in the top?


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