8 Major Cities in the World that Threatened to Sink

                                         source: nahimunkar.com

The melting of ice in the Arctic due to global warming is increasingly worrisome. Each year, sea levels rise by 1-3 mm. If not immediately anticipated, rising sea levels would be dangerous for the survival of humans living on the surface of the earth. Even more dangerous, some of the world's major cities are in danger of drowning due to rising sea levels, fragile foundations, and groundwater suction. Here are the eight major cities in the world that are threatened drowning.


1. Shanghai, China

Shanghai was once a place surrounded by swamps. The need for shelter and the swelling population makes skyscrapers more and more in the area. No wonder, every year the ground level in Shanghai drops by half an inch. Based on the PBS data, ground level in Shanghai fell by about 2.4 meters in the period 1921 to 1965. Experts predict, land in Shanghai can no longer withstand the heavy burden of building on it. It is predicted that one day Shanghai will drown if the Yangze River overflows.

Ho Chi Minh City

2. Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam

One of the most populous cities in Southeast Asia is also threatened drowning. Decreased ground level makes this area prone to flooding. Each year, the height of the flood rises as high as 2cm.


3. Bangkok, Thailand

The head of Thailand's National Disaster Mitigation Center, Smith Dharmasaroja, predicts that by 2100 Bangkok will be the second Atlantis. The city will sink due to several factors, such as: climate change due to greenhouse effect, rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and land shifts. In addition to the city's low location, Bangkok is annually flooded.


4. Mumbai, India

Not much different from Bangkok, Greenpeace activist group reported that in 2100 the city of Mumbai will be drowned by sea water. Rising sea water up to 5 meters causing this city people in the city threatened its sustainability.

Mexico City

5. Mexico City, Mexico

This one city each year sinks as deep as 20cm in case of flooding. It is located in the valley plus a bad drainage system makes Mexico City threatened drown. Since 1975, the city's drainage capacity has dropped 30 percent. But now the government is working on the creation of a giant drainage tunnel that is claimed to hold enough water.

New York

6. New York, United States

Rising sea levels were also threatening the city in the United States. His position at the mouth of the Hudson river that is connected directly to the Atlantic Ocean also becomes the trigger. Science Daily predicts, seawater city is doubled compared to other oceans. Not only that, coastal erosion, decline in soil layers and environmental destruction can also trigger a waterspout in the city known as the business center of the world.


7. Venice, Italy

End of 2012, the city is inundated with severe flooding. This phenomenon is present due to a combination of heavy rain and wind from the south. At least 70 percent of the mainland in this canal city is flooded with a depth of up to 1.5 meters above normal. The flood seems to be one indication that the Venetian region continues to sink. The Christian Science Monitor even notes that the city has landed 30 centimeters in the past 100 years. Rising water levels in the Mediterranean Sea add to the possibility that the city of the canal sank.


8. Jakarta, Indonesia

In addition to geographical location under the sea surface, the need for high ground water is suspected to be one of the causes of the sinking of mainland Jakarta. The increasing population population is the main reason for the need for ground water. In the next 20 years, it is estimated that the population in the capital will increase to 40 million people.

The Dutch hydrologist JanJaap Brinkman explains that if groundwater is being sucked continuously, at the end of the 21st century, Jakarta will sink as deep as five to six meters. Just waiting for the time Jakarta will sink under the sea as the city of Atlantis.
These cities are threatened by drowning due to rising sea levels and global warming. If we do not change the way we treat the earth, those cities will be completely drowned out without we can do anything. Let's start to care about the environment.

Sulung Lahitani Mardinata

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