The Bill Gates Foundation paid Nigerian debt of 76 million US dollar

                                                              The Bill Gates Foundation repaid Nigerian debt of USD 76 million
                                                               to the Japanese government. (dock REUTERS / Shannon Stapleton)
To help Nigeria's struggle to become a polio-free country, Bill and Melinda Gates took a very generous step by helping the Nigerian economy through its foundation.It will pay Nigerian debt of USD 76 million to Japan as a country that provides loans to help eradicate polio. The loan was taken in 2014 with a payment deadline earlier this year.
A spokeswoman for the Bill Gates foundation said that they will repay existing debts after the distribution of polio vaccinations in Nigeria is evenly distributed or exceeds a percentage above 80%. The loan will be repaid within a period of 20 years.
The news circulated that Nigeria is slowly becoming a polio-free country. Even in the year 2017 yesterday, there was no case of polio at all. In contrast to the year 2012, where Nigeria became one of the countries with the largest polio cases. Almost part of Nigerians are infected with this disease.
Nigeria has also failed to achieve the predicate of a polio-free country when in 2016 the WHO found two cases of polio in Nigeria's northeast conflict region. The WHO statement is a very heartbreaking news because Nigeria has two years free of polio cases and almost declared successful in eradicating polio disease.
Although polio disease has no antidote, it can be eradicated. Unlike other diseases, polio virus can not live in the animal body and can only survive for two months outside the human body. The best way to end this disease is to disseminate immunization consistently.
But the turmoil in northeastern Nigeria continues to be a hindrance. Despite assistance from the army, some parts of the area are still inaccessible to health workers, so some children at risk of contracting the disease can not be reached and get help.The intervention of Bill Gates foundation is a timely aid, with Nigeria just recovering its economy from its first recession that lasted more than two decades.

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