5 Facts Qorin, Human Lifelong Companion Derived from the Jinn


Once or twice you've heard the people closest tell when they saw you somewhere when you were not there at the time. Do you believe this is a coincidence? The majority of people will answer yes to that question, but if you believe in a creature called Qarin, then the answer is no.

Yes, Qarin, this creature according to the expert is a visible figure very similar to us, or twin terms. They were assigned to be human companions until the dead man. Qarin himself says there is for everyone, even Prophet Muhammad also has it if it refers to some hadith.
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Then, what are they like? What did the Qarin do? Then, can we see Qarin? All these questions can you find the answer through the following reviews.

1. Qarin Is Our Twin Jinn

Qarin according to the experts is a supernatural being that is likened to us. Not only physical features such as eyes, height, and hair shape, but also our properties and activities. It's really like a photocopy, it's just that they are invisible because it comes from a genie.

                                                            Jinn Qarin human twin[Image Source]

Qarin own activity is accompanying us. Just accompany nothing more. So, when we are somewhere, then they will obviously be there. Hence, sometimes when we ourselves as if accompanied by something. It could be something that is ours.

2. Qarin Is There When We Born

Qarin is not like a childhood friend who together until old, but they existed from birth. So, once a human child is born, one Qarin companion will be born as well. Somehow his form, whether the Qarin is like a baby or already in the form of an adult human.
                                             Qarin is there when we are born[Image Source]

They exist when human beings are born into the world, but Qarin will remain alive when the human being is accompanied by death. Yes, Qarin itself is a genie of djinns destined to have a very long age. Well, this question you may have encountered or heard stories about apparitions that resemble dead figures. This could also be the act of Qarin.

3. Qarin and Phenomenon of Persecution

The phenomenon of trance is a common thing here as it happens quite often. Well, the unique thing about this possession, it's always the incoming jinn who claim to be a dead figure. This is also indicated by many people as an act of Qarin.

                                                                      Trance [Image Source]

So the original person is dead, but Qarin is still alive and roaming. As to Qarin's problem, it usually deals with certain things, one of which is to convey a message. Yes, Qarin is like our twin brother who knows everything, hence when the human is unrelated uneg that Qarin will reveal it in that way. And usually quite often also people trance then give advice and messages?

4. Qarin Born To Mislead Humans

There are many definitions of Qarin. Some say only jin companion, but some say if Qarin is created to mislead humans. The way it works is stuffing the human mind with bad commands, then this man will do it.

                                                     Qarin whispered bad behavior [Image Source]

But the Qinese genie does not always affect us. If the faith and the powerful Qarin's not going to be able to whisper anything. Actually we can make them better, because the human influence is bigger, so if according to the expert.

5. Tips on Viewing Qarin

Well, for you who are curious about Qarin and want to prove whether he really exists or just boast, there is a way for it. These tips according to the people who have done it did successfully show Qarin, but many also say can not.

                                                               Illustration bundle [Image Source]

The trick yourself is to take 7 strands of hair and 7 pieces of our nails, then wrap it in a white cloth. Then tetesi with lemon juice until wet. After that we live put it in certain places that try not to be seen by humans. Well, then just stay wait for a few days. He said Qarin would reveal himself.

If the word popular term seeing is believing, so we can conclude that many people who do not believe in this creature. But, the matter of belief or not, all returned to each person. Every individual must have reason to believe or not to something.


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