Indonesia girl with 9 personality: "I Wella, but why there is the figure of the other people in my body?"

                                                               Wella in original character (Photo:Grid.ID)

You've heard of man who has a lot of character?
Not long ago the outstanding movie Split, tells the story of a man who played 24 characters in one body.
Well it turns out that in Indonesia there is also a woman who has 9 different characters, a rare disease.
A girl named Anastasia suffered from this disease Wella Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a mental illness with impaired memory, damage awareness, identity and presepsi.
When one or more of these functions is impaired, then the symptoms can appear by way of split characters or alterego claiming to be hosted.

                                                                                          Anastasia Wella moment be Bilqis (Photo:Grid.ID)

Wella had severe disease DID since the age of 9 years
Her already feel weird because of the many gaffes that he experienced.9 years
"I feel asleep on 7 and all of a sudden I wake up kok udah date 11."
"It is according to me, but said mother of the 7th to the 11th I keep doing such activities as usual."
"But I dont feel doing it, so other private take over," said Wella.

                                                     Current condition of Anastasia Wella (Photo:Grid.ID)) (17/4/2017)

In fact, her ever holding a mirror up to his hand soaked in blood.
He did it without any consciousness at all.
This strange disease naturally resulting from traumatic factors Wella time ages 2 years to kindergarten.
Originally from the rough treatment of the parents and the school environment.

Usually this character will appear when Wella encountering problems, feel threatened or are in a difficult choice.
Initially only at Wella diagnosis panic attact as they often feel anxious.
But tingkahnya the more bizarre not infrequently can hurt him.
If Wella were starting to panic, migraines and anxiety appears, usually it's a gesture there will be in attendance and mastered him unexpectedly.
Wella has 9 characters with names and personalities are different.
A character that is a private host or as Wella original Youtube character, temperament, Paula is someone who is expert on counting.
Then there are the Saraswati character models and dancers, Atin figure of a child, Andreas figure men like to do violence.
There is also the character of the child figure Ravelin millenials, Ayu figure that good at writing literature and Bilqis figure that smart read Al-Qur'an.

Because of the changing personalities that, Wella is considered possessed.
Finally the Wella brought medical treatment to all corners so that the ailment disappears.
He often worked at a psychologist, to perform hypnoterapi.
Even to come to the neuroscientist, heart doctor, internist, vascular specialists.
But all the result were not useful.

Until the year 2015 Wella met with a psychiatrist named Ni Wayan Ani Purnamawati,who handles the case of Wella.
"Still having split personality till the moment, but not too often."
"I sometimes feel ashamed and inadequate, that's what made me have no friends," Wella said softly.
But Wella optimistic split characters could recover.
At the very least minimize often alterego is present as the main character.
The nearest Wella people including her boyfriend, very motivating Wella in order not to get caught up in the past which made it worse. (*)

Nailul Iffah

#anastasia wella # 9 girls personality of dissociative identity disorder disease # # mental illness

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