Did You Know, The Oval History in Toyota Logo?

                                                      Toyota. (Via: boredpanda.com)

The Japanese automotive giant, Toyota, has a distinctive logo with three oval shapes. This logo, has a long history and an interesting idea that inspired many people.
The Toyota oval logo, first introduced in October 1989 as the company's 50th anniversary stands. The development of this new logo takes about five years, before it is published.
Toyota logo is actually obtained through Toyota logo design contest, which has been held since 1936 and got more than 27 thousand logos contested.

In the new logo, Toyota sees there are two factors that are believed to bring a bright future. First, the visual is so strong that it is easy to be understood by the public that this logo belongs to Toyota. Second, an oval shape similar to a globe as a sign Toyota is ready to become an international automotive player.
When noted, there are three oval shapes on the Toyota logo that are incorporated in a horizontal symmetrical arrangement. Two ovals inside a large oval, representing the heart of the customer and the heart of the company.
Both ovals overlap as mutually beneficial relationships, as well as mutual trust between Toyota and customers.

Toyota said it would file a lawsuit against Brexit's campaign for unauthorized use of their logo.
In addition, the T looks at two ovals inside a large oval which is a symbol for Toyota. While the oval of the exterior or the largest, symbolizes the globe that embraces the Toyota in it.
Each oval has a different thickness, and is similar to the brush art known in Japanese writing culture. This brush art is one of the preserved Japanese culture up to now, which is to write kanji on canvas with brush and ink media.
When writing with the brush, each letter generally has a different thickness level which is then considered a typical Japanese writing technique.
An empty space on the background of the logo shows unlimited value and is about to be delivered to the customer.

Toyota Logo (Photo: ibtimes.co.uk)

The intent of unlimited value, is a proven quality, a product of value, and exceeds everyone's expectations, a sense of fun driving, endless innovation, integrity in safety, and environmental and social responsibility.
The first debut of the Toyota Logo was used on the Celsior car, which was launched in October 1989. After that, more and more new car models featuring the symbol of this Toyota.

Arief Aszhari

Toyota logo
Vehicle logo

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Snow Drops Down in Saudi Arabia, What's a Sign?

Temperatures in Arabia are also predicted to drop dramatically, reaching below zero degrees Celsius.

(Photo: funalive)

The phenomenon of snow in the desert is no longer an alien thing. Especially in the state of the Middle East, namely Saudi Arabia.
The General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection predicts that the northern part of Saudi Arabia will be bombarded by snow from Friday, January 19, 2018.
"There will be a cold wind that blows northward around 19-20, and will last for more than a week," said Hussein Al-Qathani, a spokesman for the Saudi Arabian government, as quoted from the Scoop Empire page.

Temperature is also predicted to drop drastically, reaching below zero degrees Celsius. The extreme temperatures will cover the area of ​​Tabuk and Jawf. In addition, there will be an estimated rainfall of 10 percent.
On the other hand, royal areas including Riyadh and Eastern Province will experience a sandstorm. The storm will reduce the object's visibility from a distance of 1,000 meters.

scoopempire.com/Annisa Mutiara Asharini)
Castle Yuanita

global tourism
Arab countries

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This 72-year-old grandmother gave birth to a baby boy

                                                                Daljinder And Singh Gill (Metro.co.uk)

If God wills, everything can happen. That is also experienced by Daljinder Kaur, a 72-year-old woman from Amitsar, India. Although already old, he was finally given a gift, gave birth to a baby boy on April 19, 2016.
Daljinder is married to her husband, Singh Gill (79), for 47 years. Previously they had despair because not also given offspring. Finally they do fertility therapy in Haryana.

"I feel sad because I can not produce offspring," said Gill, Wednesday, May 11, 2016.
Their sadness deepened, because the people around him thought that sterility was a curse from God.
Because of the strong desire to have offspring, they do everything. Includes willingly come from Amitsar, Punjab, to National Fertility and Test Tube Baby Center in Hisar, Haryana, since 2013.
At the fertility clinic, they undergo an in vitro seeding treatment (IVF). And it turns out, all their efforts are not in vain. Healthy baby boys they've got.

Daljinder is very happy with the birth of a baby boy named Arman Singh. "God hears our request, this is very important to us, I can live happily now.
Anurag Bishnoi, who runs the fertility clinic, said, "First I tried to avoid the problem because he was very weak, but then his medical record was normal and he was ready for treatment."
This success is not the first one for this clinic. In 2006 ago, there was also a 70-year-old woman who managed to have offspring with the same care.

Eko Huda S

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The fertility doctor provides the secret of a trick to conceive a boy

This method is very easy, There is no harm in trying. 


Many parents want a certain gender in the second pregnancy. It is based on the family to feel complete, there are girls and boys.
Gender selection can not be done just like that, because it is definitely God who determines. But it could not hurt to seek.
One of them is by following a trick from Landrum Shettles, a doctor and one of the originators of the IVF program. Shettles, who also wrote How to Choose The Sex of Your Baby, summarizes some tricks that can be done based on the principles of X and Y chromosomes.
"The sperm that carries the Y chromosome (male) is faster but more fragile than the sperm carrying the X chromosome (female), the vaginal condition reacts differently to the two sperm cells," Shettles said.
Then what is the trick that Shettles thinks a couple can do if they want to have a boy? There are five ways.

1. Wear boxer pants
Loose underwear like a boxer helps the male intimate area to be 'cool', because the use of underwear that is too tight will make the part hot and reduce sperm production. Avoid also holding laptops and put the phone in the pants pocket. It's important to make the body produce quality sperm cells.

2. Drink coffee before making love
The sperm that carries the Y chromosome moves faster. According to dr. Shettles, to increase sperm velocity with the Y chromosome, drinking coffee before sex can make the Y sperm more rapidly to the ovaries.

3. Change diet
Sperm Y moves more agile in the vaginal area with high alkaline pH levels. Husbands, try multiplying the consumption of foods that contain lots of alkali such as grains, nuts, and vegetables. Because the vagina is acidic that is very difficult for sperm Y through it.

4. Take vitamins and supplements
Vitamin oils containing primrose and omega 3 flower extracts can increase the production of sperm cells with Y chromosomes. If more sperm are produced, then the possibility of penetration more quickly.

5. Love style
Y chromosome sperm cells move very quickly but are very fragile. For that, try to change the style of sex to get closer to the uterus, thus increasing the chances of sperm Y chromosome cells to fertilize the egg. The recommended sex style is doggie-style. Then sex in the days ahead of ovulation also makes the Y sperm reach the ovaries first.

Gemma Fitri Purbaya

Do It Yourself

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This Simple Material Whitening Teeth Whiten Within 2 Minutes

We will give you a short guide to get perfect white teeth within two minutes.

Stained or yellow teeth are a problem for both men and women. Not just a matter of appearance, but can disrupt health.
So it is important for us to take care of dental health and hygiene. we will give you a short guide to get perfect white teeth within two minutes.

No need to spend much money to do the method of removal of stains on your teeth. In order for a beautiful smile more visible, this trick you can do at home with two simple materials. Let's look at the steps.

                                                        via healthyfoodteam.com

Put one tablespoon of baking soda into the bowl. Then cut the lemon into two parts and squeeze it to get a tablespoon of lemon juice. After that, you can put the lemon juice into baking soda and stir until the ingredients are well blended.

If so, apply the mixture to your teeth. Apply evenly, then leave for two minutes, then rinse to see the results. Keep in mind, this method is not recommended to be applied too often because it can damage your tooth enamel. Good luck.



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8 Major Cities in the World that Threatened to Sink

                                         source: nahimunkar.com

The melting of ice in the Arctic due to global warming is increasingly worrisome. Each year, sea levels rise by 1-3 mm. If not immediately anticipated, rising sea levels would be dangerous for the survival of humans living on the surface of the earth. Even more dangerous, some of the world's major cities are in danger of drowning due to rising sea levels, fragile foundations, and groundwater suction. Here are the eight major cities in the world that are threatened drowning.


1. Shanghai, China

Shanghai was once a place surrounded by swamps. The need for shelter and the swelling population makes skyscrapers more and more in the area. No wonder, every year the ground level in Shanghai drops by half an inch. Based on the PBS data, ground level in Shanghai fell by about 2.4 meters in the period 1921 to 1965. Experts predict, land in Shanghai can no longer withstand the heavy burden of building on it. It is predicted that one day Shanghai will drown if the Yangze River overflows.

Ho Chi Minh City

2. Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam

One of the most populous cities in Southeast Asia is also threatened drowning. Decreased ground level makes this area prone to flooding. Each year, the height of the flood rises as high as 2cm.


3. Bangkok, Thailand

The head of Thailand's National Disaster Mitigation Center, Smith Dharmasaroja, predicts that by 2100 Bangkok will be the second Atlantis. The city will sink due to several factors, such as: climate change due to greenhouse effect, rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and land shifts. In addition to the city's low location, Bangkok is annually flooded.


4. Mumbai, India

Not much different from Bangkok, Greenpeace activist group reported that in 2100 the city of Mumbai will be drowned by sea water. Rising sea water up to 5 meters causing this city people in the city threatened its sustainability.

Mexico City

5. Mexico City, Mexico

This one city each year sinks as deep as 20cm in case of flooding. It is located in the valley plus a bad drainage system makes Mexico City threatened drown. Since 1975, the city's drainage capacity has dropped 30 percent. But now the government is working on the creation of a giant drainage tunnel that is claimed to hold enough water.

New York

6. New York, United States

Rising sea levels were also threatening the city in the United States. His position at the mouth of the Hudson river that is connected directly to the Atlantic Ocean also becomes the trigger. Science Daily predicts, seawater city is doubled compared to other oceans. Not only that, coastal erosion, decline in soil layers and environmental destruction can also trigger a waterspout in the city known as the business center of the world.


7. Venice, Italy

End of 2012, the city is inundated with severe flooding. This phenomenon is present due to a combination of heavy rain and wind from the south. At least 70 percent of the mainland in this canal city is flooded with a depth of up to 1.5 meters above normal. The flood seems to be one indication that the Venetian region continues to sink. The Christian Science Monitor even notes that the city has landed 30 centimeters in the past 100 years. Rising water levels in the Mediterranean Sea add to the possibility that the city of the canal sank.


8. Jakarta, Indonesia

In addition to geographical location under the sea surface, the need for high ground water is suspected to be one of the causes of the sinking of mainland Jakarta. The increasing population population is the main reason for the need for ground water. In the next 20 years, it is estimated that the population in the capital will increase to 40 million people.

The Dutch hydrologist JanJaap Brinkman explains that if groundwater is being sucked continuously, at the end of the 21st century, Jakarta will sink as deep as five to six meters. Just waiting for the time Jakarta will sink under the sea as the city of Atlantis.
These cities are threatened by drowning due to rising sea levels and global warming. If we do not change the way we treat the earth, those cities will be completely drowned out without we can do anything. Let's start to care about the environment.

Sulung Lahitani Mardinata

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5 Dangerous Hackers in the World that Have Extraordinary Beauty, Watch Out!

 If hackers like this, sincerely the computer of the men's singles for uprooted                                               

Since several recent global cyber attacks, the popularity of hackers has increased sharply. Perhaps the first time people think hackers can only hack social media or software accounts, now they can easily destroy a country. Not to mention it turns out the hackers are making a group of people with extraordinary computer skills, anonymous for example.
Still a matter of hackers, as if covering themselves from the original form, these hackers have a very attractive physical appearance. Naturally many people do not realize that the women they meet is a professional hacker. Even big companies like google and intel, had been the victim. So what are these beautiful hackers like? Check out the following reviews.

Joanna Rutkowska, the windows vista hacker

                                                                  Joanna Rutkowska [image source]

Covered by her graceful face, Joanna was not a woman at random. He had made a big company like intel had dizzy seven round because it was hacked by this beautiful hacker. Not only that, this woman also has a record when creating a stealth device to hack windows vista. Finally, since the Polish woman's fame has skyrocketed, she has created a security firm of her own in her country. Again, do not be fooled by her amazingly beautiful appearance.
Beautiful Russian spy became a famous hacker

                                                    Anna-Chapman [image source]

Some time ago America had shocked with the existence of a hacker as well as a spy who stole data. Once traced it turns out the culprit is a beautiful Russian woman named Anna Chapman. It turns out that Anna along with nine colleagues managed to hack American security. Lucky after arrested this woman is not until sentenced to death. But after the news of his arrest, precisely the name of Anna Chapman even more famous even had a model magazine.

Xiao Tian, ​​leader of Chinese hackers

                                                                         Xiao Tian [image source]

Do not be fooled by her face because this woman is actually the leader of CN Security Girl, a Chinese female hacker group. Now members of CN Security Girl has reached more than 2500 people. Because it has become the chairman of Chinese hackers, do not ever doubt his ability. It's because of this women google team in China so the fog, as a result of this biggest wind search company decided to lift the foot from the country.

The beauty of an angelic but dangerous bathtub

                                                                                  Ying Cracker

Perhaps when viewed, this one woman is more suited model rather than hackers. But unfortunately the reality is very different. Yes, Ying Cracker is a famous hacker in China. His popularity increased as he diligently removed crack for some new programs launched. Not to mention, this woman has repeatedly conducted hacking on government websites. Yet even though it's pretty " extraordinary " but Ying Cracker is also a computer teacher at a school in Shanghai, even he often gives free courses to those in need. It's beautiful, cool, good again, it seems like the hearts of the singles have been hit.

Hacker beautiful so important people google

                                                                   Parisa Tabriz [image source]

Some time ago google could give a reward for anyone who managed to break into the system. And what struck me was that someone who could do it was a beautiful woman of Iranian American descent. The success of Parisa in breaking google this catapulted his name. Finally he was awarded a prize of $ 30 million by google and hired there. Now Parisa became one of the important people in the search engine's largest security system.
Apparently not only men who could be dangerous hackers, the five women prove it. Besides being very " extraordinary " with their hacking skills, they also have amazing beauty. If hackers are their kind, willing to seem like if they want to be hacked, especially his heart.

Arief Dian 

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Stop Doing 5 Mistakes When Creating This Eyebrow, Make The Face So Look Old

                                                5 mistake when drawing eyebrows | brightside.me

Eyebrow is one of the must-have makeup for all millennial women of today.
I think, confidence will decrease when the eyebrows have not formed perfectly.
However, when making eyebrows, many women ignore these five mistakes.
As a result, not only the face that looks not symmetry but also makes us look older.
Quoted from the page cewekbanget.id, here are five mistakes that are often made by women when making eyebrows.

1. Too thin and short

Drawing eyebrows that are too thin and short will make our face look wider.
We recommend that the eyebrow image a bit thick to give a fresh and young impression on our faces.
In addition, try also to make eyebrows slightly longer in the tail so that the face can be perfectly framed.

2. Eyebrow shape too dip

                                                            Eyebrow shape too dip / pinterest.com

Eyebrow shape that is too firm and dip can also make our faces look antagonistic and judes.
Eyebrow dive does not look natural, should make a slightly flat eyebrows like Korean women to look younger.

3. Too black

Drawing eyebrows too black also makes our appearance is not natural.
When applying an eyebrow pencil should not be too pressed.
Draw the shape of our eyebrow hair to look natural.

4. False pick a pencil color

                                                             With the wrong color / capitalfm.com

Another thing to note is the color selection for eyebrow pencil.
One choose the color of an eyebrow pencil can make our face look older.
In order to look natural, choose a dark brown or dark gray color, because the black color will usually look darker for the skin of Indonesians.

5. The inside of the eyebrows is too thick

                                               The inside of the eyebrows is too thick / pinterest.com

One of the tips to make eyebrows look natural and face looks young by making gradation on the inside of the eyebrow (near the nose).
If it is too thick, our faces look stiff and fierce. (*)

Laili Ira Maslakhah

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5 Facts Qorin, Human Lifelong Companion Derived from the Jinn


Once or twice you've heard the people closest tell when they saw you somewhere when you were not there at the time. Do you believe this is a coincidence? The majority of people will answer yes to that question, but if you believe in a creature called Qarin, then the answer is no.

Yes, Qarin, this creature according to the expert is a visible figure very similar to us, or twin terms. They were assigned to be human companions until the dead man. Qarin himself says there is for everyone, even Prophet Muhammad also has it if it refers to some hadith.
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Then, what are they like? What did the Qarin do? Then, can we see Qarin? All these questions can you find the answer through the following reviews.

1. Qarin Is Our Twin Jinn

Qarin according to the experts is a supernatural being that is likened to us. Not only physical features such as eyes, height, and hair shape, but also our properties and activities. It's really like a photocopy, it's just that they are invisible because it comes from a genie.

                                                            Jinn Qarin human twin[Image Source]

Qarin own activity is accompanying us. Just accompany nothing more. So, when we are somewhere, then they will obviously be there. Hence, sometimes when we ourselves as if accompanied by something. It could be something that is ours.

2. Qarin Is There When We Born

Qarin is not like a childhood friend who together until old, but they existed from birth. So, once a human child is born, one Qarin companion will be born as well. Somehow his form, whether the Qarin is like a baby or already in the form of an adult human.
                                             Qarin is there when we are born[Image Source]

They exist when human beings are born into the world, but Qarin will remain alive when the human being is accompanied by death. Yes, Qarin itself is a genie of djinns destined to have a very long age. Well, this question you may have encountered or heard stories about apparitions that resemble dead figures. This could also be the act of Qarin.

3. Qarin and Phenomenon of Persecution

The phenomenon of trance is a common thing here as it happens quite often. Well, the unique thing about this possession, it's always the incoming jinn who claim to be a dead figure. This is also indicated by many people as an act of Qarin.

                                                                      Trance [Image Source]

So the original person is dead, but Qarin is still alive and roaming. As to Qarin's problem, it usually deals with certain things, one of which is to convey a message. Yes, Qarin is like our twin brother who knows everything, hence when the human is unrelated uneg that Qarin will reveal it in that way. And usually quite often also people trance then give advice and messages?

4. Qarin Born To Mislead Humans

There are many definitions of Qarin. Some say only jin companion, but some say if Qarin is created to mislead humans. The way it works is stuffing the human mind with bad commands, then this man will do it.

                                                     Qarin whispered bad behavior [Image Source]

But the Qinese genie does not always affect us. If the faith and the powerful Qarin's not going to be able to whisper anything. Actually we can make them better, because the human influence is bigger, so if according to the expert.

5. Tips on Viewing Qarin

Well, for you who are curious about Qarin and want to prove whether he really exists or just boast, there is a way for it. These tips according to the people who have done it did successfully show Qarin, but many also say can not.

                                                               Illustration bundle [Image Source]

The trick yourself is to take 7 strands of hair and 7 pieces of our nails, then wrap it in a white cloth. Then tetesi with lemon juice until wet. After that we live put it in certain places that try not to be seen by humans. Well, then just stay wait for a few days. He said Qarin would reveal himself.

If the word popular term seeing is believing, so we can conclude that many people who do not believe in this creature. But, the matter of belief or not, all returned to each person. Every individual must have reason to believe or not to something.


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