The Higher the Knowledge of a Woman, the Simpler the Appearance

Yes, the higher the knowledge of a woman, the simpler her appearance will be, and if you feel that you are a knowledgeable person, correct your appearance, are you worthy of being someone of knowledge?

Because whatever you wear, especially your clothes and hijab will reflect who you really are, although not always your heart's identity can be seen from your appearance.

But it would be better if you solidify what you wear so that it does not end slander for those who see.
The Woman's Knowledge Is Not Seen From How Expensive The Clothes Are, But Viewed From How She Can Simplify Her Clothes With Her Knowled


Because no matter how high you are with the knowledge you have, if you cannot simplify your appearance well, then you are like a woman who does not have you, because knowledgeable women who actually know the limits of reasonable appearance according to Islam.

Because, a knowledgeable woman cannot be seen from how expensive the clothes she wears, but it can be seen from how much she can simplify her clothes with her knowledge.
Women's Knowledge Is Not Seen From How Widely Hijab, But Seen From How Wise It Is In Berhijab


The woman with knowledge is not seen from the width of the hijab she wears, but is seen from how wisely she is in hijab. Because a woman's hijab won't be perfect, if she can't fix her heart for who she is wearing hijab and because of what she has to wear hijab.

And as a knowledgeable woman, of course you have to know that, so that your hijab is not just a hijab, but can make you better and more perfect in servitude.
Women's Knowledge Is Not Seen From How Many Ornaments She Use, But Seen From How She Can Use Her Sciences For Self-Decoration


The woman with knowledge is not seen from how much decoration she uses, but it is seen from how much she can use her knowledge for self-decoration. Because it is not uncommon for women who claim to be classy because of the knowledge they have, change their appearance and decorate themselves to look classy.

Even though the knowledge is not seen from how classy he is with the jewels, but it can be seen from how he can decorate himself with noble morality through the knowledge he has.
Women's Knowledge Is Not Seen From How Classy Her Appearance Is, But Seen From How Wisely She Appears With Her Knowledge


The woman with knowledge is not seen from how classy her appearance is, but is seen from how wisely she looks with her knowledge.
Because whatever grade you look will not make you better, if you cannot be wise in behaving and behaving with the knowledge you have.

Woman of Knowledge Is Not Seen From How Smart She Brushes Her Face, But Seen From How Smart She Hides Her Face With Her Knowledge


And a knowledgeable woman cannot be seen from how smart she brushes her face, but is seen from how smart she is to hide her face with her knowledge.

Because real women are women who can simplify their beauty by continuing to be ashamed, so that she is awake from slander because the knowledge is always the controller of her heart to keep hiding her face from the eyes of men who are not muhrim.

Lailiyatus Sa'adah

Good looks
Knowledge Woman
Classy woman
Beautiful woman
Smart woman

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