8 The eccentric action of sleeping in this unusual place makes the forehead pat


His behavior is just messy, absurd.

humanuniqueness,Sleep is the most important human need, so that our bodies can rest. Therefore choosing a good and comfortable bed is very important, with the hope that after waking up the body feels refreshed.

 Generally someone will sleep in a comfortable place such as in a room, or in the house that feels safe and comfortable. But what happens if you choose to sleep outside like on a roadside or in the middle of a rice field?

 Like the action of the citizens of this one eccentric. With their blankets and pillows, these young men sleep instead in unusual places. Curious as to what the absurd action?

 1. See here, the eccentric behavior of the citizens, based on thin mattresses and blankets alone is very good.


2. Do you sleep in the garden like this, do you not automatically bite the mosquitoes?


3. What are you going to sleep in the middle of a rice field like that?


4. Relaxing style when lying in front of the TV while enjoying the breeze from the banana tree.


5. The most extreme sleep is sleeping in the middle like this. When I wake up, it's not in its original place, because I am swept away by the water.


6. If this is possible the concept of sleep that integrates with nature.


7. Sleeping under the rain is indeed anti mainstream, but the next day the auto catches cold.


8. It's best to sleep on the side of the road while looking at a passing motorbike.





Hapsari Afdilla


 Instagram photo: @anam_chenel



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Absurd behavior

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