Hundreds of Earthworms Suddenly Appear in the Market

                                     Hundreds of earthworms suddenly appeared on the Market (source: detikNews)

Hundreds of earthworms suddenly appeared in the Pasar Gede Solo area, Central Java province, Indonesia, this morning. People who are in the area are also surprised.

Its appearance is somewhat strange because in addition to the large numbers, the earthworm has also spread to the pedestrian path on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo. Even though every afternoon, officers always clean the Pasar Gede Solo area. However, this morning hundreds of earthworms had appeared.
"That there are hundreds of possible. If it is made into one can be a bucket. I immediately swept it clean, the problem is here to sell," said meatball traders around the location, Marsono told reporters on Saturday (4/18/2020).

He suspected earthworms emerged from the park around the location. Because, when he cleaned the garden, some worms still appeared from the ground.
"I also broomed the park. But one or two worms appeared again. This is a place to eat, don't let customers see it like that," he said.

                                       Hundreds of earthworms still appear in Pasar Gede Solo (source: detikNews)

The incident was also viral on social media. Some communities also reported similar incidents at a number of points, such as in Jagalan Village.
One resident of Jagalan, Riri Anwari, also said that the occurrence of caciang events took place at 05.30 WIB. Worms that had appeared a lot and now have reentered the ground.
"When I swept, I saw that there were a lot of worms, maybe dozens. Some of them were broomed, some were dead, others came to the ground," he said

Earthworm - earthworms - earthquake

Source: Bayu Ardi Isnanto - detikNews
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