Concerned with the Installation of Extra-high-voltage air ducts, the 8-year-old boy hangs as high as 15 meters

     Nadin is hanging on a 15-meter-high Extra-high-voltage air ducts cable. (Pramita /

Residents in Kadu Village, Curug Subdistrict, Tangerang Regency, Indonesia, were horrified by Nadin, an 8-year-old boy who was hanging on a 15-meter high (15-meter) Extra High Voltage Air Line.
The incident occurred on Thursday (4/16/2020) afternoon. From a distance, Nadin was heard screaming for help to get down.

"Please, I don't have a strong grip. I want to go down," shouted Nadin, who was still hanging as hard as she could with both hands.

Meanwhile, State Electricity Company officers from a distance, allegedly continued to pull the sutet cable to a height of about 15 meters. Seen in an amateur video recorded by residents, Nadin's body is still hanging and accidentally pulled along or dragged to the height of the sutet cable to the maximum.

"Don't jump! Don't let go! Come on, where is the mattress, stuck?" Shouted some residents who continued to follow where Nadin was hanging.

The Head of Emergency and Logistics at the Tangerang Regency, Indonesia Disaster Management Agency, Kosrudin confirmed the incident. He said, Nadin was initially playing in the area of ​​the Sutet cable installation project not far from his house.

"He did not know if the cable was going to be pulled, his son was hanging when the cable was still low, but over time the pull up to high, he did not dare to loose," said Kosrudin, Friday (4/17/2020).


After a few minutes, residents who were on standby below complete with a mattress, told Nadin to release his grasp. Luckily one of the coffee sellers, managed to catch it.
"Freefall, captured by residents. But his son is still conscious, there may be minor injuries. So immediately taken to the nearest hospital to check everything," said Kosrudin.

In addition to the fact that there were mistakes in parents who did not supervise their children, Kosrudin also admitted that he was disappointed with the State Electricity Company officers who did not place personnel every few meters to oversee the work on the cable installation.

"The officer who pulled it was from a distance, a few kilometers from the starting point. He thought only gardens or vacant land, which turned out to have residents' homes, should be monitored every few meters so that no residents approached," he said.

• State Electricity Company
• Sutet Cable
• Extra-high-voltage air ducts

Pramita Tristiawati

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Unique, This Traffic Control Wear Used Gallon Masks

     Ali Akbar volunteered a traffic regulator in Yogyakarta wearing a gallon mask
     Photo: VIVAnews / Cahyo Edi

For motorists who cross the Jalan Tamansiswa, Yogyakarta Province City, Indonesia. lately in the midst of a corona virus outbreak (Covid-19) it must have encountered an unusual sight. When passing at the fork in Jalan Tamansiswa, motorists will see the figure of a unique-looking traffic control volunteer, using a used gallon of water instead of a mask.

This unique-looking traffic regulator volunteer named Ali Akbar. With bare feet, a head covered in gallons of water, an orange vest and a small flag, this 52-year-old man is deftly managing traffic on Tamansiswa Street.
If you see the back of the gallon used, you will see the words "TOGETHER AGAINST CORONA". This article was intentionally made by Ali to remind Corona of the dangers and the importance of being together to fight Corona.
For Ali, using used gallons of water instead of masks is not without reason. In addition to medical masks difficult to find, Ali is also unsuitable for using masks made of cloth that must be washed after use.
"This reduces (the use of) masks. So it does not get anything. If you use disposable cloth then wash it. If you don't use gallons, you can wipe it off, spray it. This is routinely washed," Ali said.
The man from East Java who currently lives in the Gondolayu area, Jetis, Yogyakarta City, admitted that he has been using water gallons for the past two days to replace masks.
Ali explained that he was inspired by the medical staff who used PPE helmets, goggles and masks at the same time. From the appearance of these medical officers, Ali also made his own PPE by utilizing used gallons of water.

"If people use protective equipment, PPE. Now I better use this practical, rather than gallons of unemployment," said Ali.
Ali said that every day he earned a fortune on Jalan Tamansiswa from the time the schoolchildren left until 18.00. Before the Corona pandemic, Ali said he could bring home Rp.30,000 each time he served on the road.
"If before Corona existed, one day they could collect up to Rp30,000 or around US $ 2. If it is not up to now," Ali explained.
But when the Corona virus pandemic, which caused many residents of Yogyakarta to choose to stay at home, Ali claimed his income was much decreased. To get Rp. 30 thousand or about 2 US dollars, has not been easy since the past month.

Corona virus

Gallon Masks


Source: VIVAnews
                 Renne R.A Kawilarang
                 Cahyo Edi (Yogyakarta)

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Hundreds of Earthworms Suddenly Appear in the Market

                                     Hundreds of earthworms suddenly appeared on the Market (source: detikNews)

Hundreds of earthworms suddenly appeared in the Pasar Gede Solo area, Central Java province, Indonesia, this morning. People who are in the area are also surprised.

Its appearance is somewhat strange because in addition to the large numbers, the earthworm has also spread to the pedestrian path on Jalan Urip Sumoharjo. Even though every afternoon, officers always clean the Pasar Gede Solo area. However, this morning hundreds of earthworms had appeared.
"That there are hundreds of possible. If it is made into one can be a bucket. I immediately swept it clean, the problem is here to sell," said meatball traders around the location, Marsono told reporters on Saturday (4/18/2020).

He suspected earthworms emerged from the park around the location. Because, when he cleaned the garden, some worms still appeared from the ground.
"I also broomed the park. But one or two worms appeared again. This is a place to eat, don't let customers see it like that," he said.

                                       Hundreds of earthworms still appear in Pasar Gede Solo (source: detikNews)

The incident was also viral on social media. Some communities also reported similar incidents at a number of points, such as in Jagalan Village.
One resident of Jagalan, Riri Anwari, also said that the occurrence of caciang events took place at 05.30 WIB. Worms that had appeared a lot and now have reentered the ground.
"When I swept, I saw that there were a lot of worms, maybe dozens. Some of them were broomed, some were dead, others came to the ground," he said

Earthworm - earthworms - earthquake

Source: Bayu Ardi Isnanto - detikNews
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