Unique Miniature Creations from Famous Bamboo Batik to Foreign Countries

The results of craftsmen from batik bamboo, which are located in Meras Village, Bunaken District. (Photo: MPI/Subhan Sabu)

MANADO, iNews.id - The typical batik bamboo from Sangihe and Bunaken has unique motifs and patterns. This bamboo craft is famous to foreign countries. Not only in Sangihe, in Manado it turns out that there are craftsmen from bamboo batik located in Meras Village, Bunaken District, Manado City.

The effort to increase the income of a prosperous family has been managed from generation to generation by Bertha Mansauda.

"The creation of this batik bamboo craft was originally inspired by my parents. In the past, my parents made bamboo musical instruments. However, bamboo music is currently a bit eroded," said Bertha Mansauda, ​​Sunday (26/9/2021).

Bertha explained, so that this could be known again, she made handicrafts from bamboo batik in the form of miniature bamboo musical instruments so that future generations could see that bamboo musical instruments turned out to be like this.

From the beginning, only making miniature bamboo musical instruments such as trumpets, Bertha was inspired to make various models of other crafts, such as flowers, lampshades, teapots, glasses, candle holders, tables, chairs, key chains, miniature animals, bags, watches, miniature houses. , to miniature ships.

According to Bertha, the quality of batik bamboo itself is better than other bamboos. In addition, it has its own unique style and is durable.

Batik bamboo is a type or better known as Chinese bamboo, but Bertha prefers to call it batik bamboo so it is well known to foreign countries.

"There are foreign tourists who ask the name of the bamboo, now I as an Indonesian, we must bring the name of Indonesia, do not take the name of China," he said.

Because he said, usually when asked by tourists, if it is called Chinese bamboo later this comes from China.

“So to carry the name of Indonesia, I changed it to bamboo batik. So this is famous abroad, batik bamboo," said Bertha.

The results of this batik bamboo craft, said Bertha, have reached overseas such as Dubai, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, and China. The Dutch usually like insect models, there are also miniature houses on stilts. If China really likes the miniature model of the house.

"Before the pandemic, for marketing to overseas, some went through the relevant agencies, some came to buy directly. Most foreign tourists bought before the pandemic, while local guests were only from related and personal agencies," said Bertha.

Making miniatures such as flower models takes two to three days, depending on the level of difficulty of each model. The selling price varies from Rp. 250,000 to tens of millions.

"For the flower model, the standard price is Rp. 250,000 to Rp. 1 million. The most expensive ones are usually miniature, like the miniature of the mayor's office that I have made. There is also a shrimp model, depending on the level of difficulty, if it is not too difficult, the price is normal, but if it is difficult , that is expensive," said Bertha.

Even though in the midst of the current pandemic, Bertha still exists making miniature crafts that she has pioneered since 2021. She gets batik bamboo by buying it in the Sangihe Islands Regency if there are more orders, but she also grows bamboo in her garden.

Source: sulut.inews.id - Subhan Sabu

Editor : Cahya Sumirat







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Coffee with coconut water, the potential of Jayapura's unique coffee menu

One of the Yoboi Youth groups puts the knowledge into practice by concocting a type of coffee brew taught by the owner of the Djuang Coffee Shop Rejha Prayoga in Sentani District, Jayapura Regency, Papua, Monday (20/9/2021).  ANTARA/Hendrina Dian Kandipi/aa.

Jayapura (ANTARA) - One of the SCAE (Specialty Coffee Association of Europe) certified baristas in Jayapura City, Piter Tan, encouraged the youths in Yoboi Village to come up with unique menus resulting from blending coffee.

The owner of the Pit's Corner Coffee Shop and also Barista Piter Tan in a press release in Jayapura, Monday, said the idea to come up with this unique menu was adapted to the local wisdom that exists in Kampung Yoboi.

"Kampung Yoboi is already unique, if it serves local culinary menus, it can provide its own selling value," he said.

According to Piter, for example, if you serve coffee using coconut water, or use coconut shells to serve coffee to consumers.

"Don't be afraid to start mixing coffee without modern equipment, because only firewood can boil water to make coffee," he said.

He explained that coffee beans can also be ground manually so that they can still serve coffee with makeshift equipment.

Pit's Corner Coffee Shop owner Piter Tan (right) accompanied by Djuang Coffee Shop owner Rejha Prayoga (left) during a question and answer session about KPI with youth from Yoboi Village, Sentani District, Jayapura Regency, Papua, Monday (20/9/2021).  ANTARA/HO-D2WNG/aa.

"In essence, serving coffee does not have to use modern equipment, what is around can be used according to its designation," he said again.

In line with Piter Tan, the owner of the Djuang Coffee Shop, Rejha Prayoga who is also one of the baristas, said that Yoboi youths must be able to show their abilities that those in the village can also be the same as those in the city.

"From the training for the Yoboi youth alone, it can be seen that of the 16 people trained, it has been seen that they have the potential and talent to pursue the profession as coffee brewers," he said.

He added that he hopes that those who have participated in the training can continue to learn and practice so that the coffee that is blended has a qualified quality to be served to consumers.

Previously, the social community "Doing Deep and Wise for New Generation" (D2WNG) held training and introduction to coffee for young people in Yoboi Village, Sentani District, Jayapura Regency for two days.

After being trained, the Yoboi youths were also given tools and equipment that could be used to open a small coffee shop in the local area.

D2WNG Social Community Secretary Dhias Suwandi said that his party hoped that the training and delivery of assistance could help and support Yoboi Village to develop its territory as a tourist spot, especially ahead of the XX Papua PON.

Source: antarnews.com

Reporter: Hendrina Dian Kandipi

Editor: Ida Nurcahyani



• Yoboi Village

• Baristas

• Coffee

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The Khayangan Dieng Bridge Enters the Nomination for the 2021 Indonesia Enchantment Award

                               Khayangan Bridge, Dieng (Photo: Banjarnegara Disparbud)

The Banjarnegara Regency Government, Central Java, informed that the Khayangan Bridge in Sikidang Crater, Dieng Plateau is one of the nominees for the 2021 Indonesian Pesona Anugerah (API).

"The Khayangan Bridge in Sikidang Crater has succeeded in becoming one of the nominees in the 2021 Indonesia Enchantment Award for the unique destination category," said Head of the Banjarnegara Regency Tourism and Culture Office, Agung Yusianto, Tuesday (27/7/2021).

In the prestigious event held by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, he invited all residents of Banjarnegara to participate in providing support.

Meanwhile, Banjarnegara Regent Budhi Sarwono also said that his party continues to intensify the development program for the Dieng Plateau Tourism Area in order to increase the number of tourist visits.

"This is a form of commitment from the local government in advancing the tourism sector in Banjarnegara," he said.

He hopes that these development efforts will have a significant impact in increasing the number of tourist visits to this region.

"It is hoped that sustainable development can make the Dieng tourist area more advanced, superior, increase tourist visits and at the same time improve the welfare of the community," he said.

Related to this, his party also continues to make various efforts, one of which is to complete the existing facilities in the Dieng Plateau Tourism Area.

Source: travel.okezone.com

Journalist : Antara


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#Dieng Tour


#Anugerah Pesona Indonesia 2021

#Indonesian Enchantment Award

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Call the Shoe Monument on Jalan Sudirman to Decorate Jakarta, Deputy Governor of DKI: You Can Take Selfies

The DKI Jakarta government built a shoe installation in front of Sudirman BNI City Station, Central Jakarta. Photo taken on Thursday, September 16, 2021. TEMPO/Lani Diana

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said the shoe monument on the side of Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Central Jakarta aims to decorate the capital city.

With the construction of various monuments, including the shoe monument, the Deputy Governor of DKI hopes that Jakarta can be on par with other cities in the world. He gave the example of the bicycle monument in Saudi Arabia.

"Try to check on Google in every country in every city, there are products that attract attention, you can take selfies," he said at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday, September 16, 2021.

The giant shoe monument is in front of Sudirman BNI City Station. The DKI government named it a shoe installation.

This monument is the result of a collaboration between the Jakarta Collaboration Festival and local shoes brand Compass. Riza said the construction was handled by PT Jakarta Tourisindo (Jaktour).

"Ask Jaktour for details," he said.

It is not known when the installation was established. The shoe installation is part of the Jakarta Collaboration Festival, a collaboration between the Jakarta Collaboration Festival, Compass, and PT Bank Central Asia Tbk.

Source: metro.tempo.co

Reporter: Lani Diana Wijaya

Editor: Clara Maria Tjandra Dewi H.


• Monument

• Shoe Monument

• Jakarta

• jaktour

• Deputy Governor of DKI

• Riza Patria

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Shockingly, the South Java Sea is Glowing at Night, What Phenomenon Is It?

Phenomenon ?Milky Seas? in the sea south of Java photographed by NOAA satellite(Screenshot of Twitter @NOAASatellites)

KOMPAS.com - There are many on social media about the phenomenon of the glowing sea in southern Java on Wednesday (8/9/2021).

The photo was taken by a satellite from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which detected the "Milky Seas" in the sea south of Java.

Some netizens who just found out about this, assumed that the marine phenomenon was due to plate movement. "Just found out," wrote one Twitter account.

"Maybe it's water foam due to the movement of the underwater earth plate, just be prepared for a big Java earthquake," wrote another user.

So, what exactly is this phenomenon?

Milky Seas

Reporting from the journal Nature website, (29/7/2021), researchers from the US found the existence of large Milky Seas in the eastern Indian Ocean, or just south of Java.

This finding is based on imaging from a milky seas detector called the Day/Night Band (DNB).

The existence of the Milky Seas in the south of Java occurred in 2019, and this event took place during two full lunar cycles, namely 26 July-9 August 2019 and 25 August-7 September 2019.

On the night of July 25, DNB detected a luminous anomaly south of Surakarta, Java, near 9.5 degrees South Latitude, 111 degrees East Longitude.

Detection in moderate moonlight conditions indicated a very strong emission source.

It is known, the area of ​​​​this colored ocean or known as the Milky Seas is approximately 100,000 square meters or the equivalent of Iceland.

However, this phenomenon is not detected during the day.

Causes of the Milky Seas

Main Expert Researcher in Applied Oceanography at the Marine Research Center, Research and Human Resources Agency, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Dr Widodo Setiyo Pranowo explained the meaning of Milky Seas.

"Milky Seas is a term when the sea surface with a very large area is bright like milk white, so that even at night it can be detected / looks glowing from the satellite," Widodo said when contacted by Kompas.com, Wednesday (8/9/2021).

He said the cause of this phenomenon could be caused by the color of illumination emitted by marine organisms, such as micro or nano plankton that contain phosphorus so that it looks like it glows in the dark sea water at night.

"The number of micro or nano plankton is so massive that it can meet the water column in the sea surface layer in a very wide area," he continued.

One area that has such potential is in the South Indian Ocean of Java.

This is because the probability of occurrence is in the period between June to October each year.

Widodo added, even though it appears every year, it doesn't always appear during that time (June-October).

Why does the Milky Seas occur between June-October?

In addition, Widodo explained, the Milky Seas occur every June-October because it is related to the Upwelling phenomenon or the rising mass of seawater from a certain depth to a shallower depth layer.

That is, when the mass of seawater rises (upwelling), then there are a number of massive nutrients that are also lifted up.

"In the surface layer that gets enough sunlight, then these nutrients are used by phytoplankton to photosynthesize to produce carbon and oxygen," said Widodo.

"When there are a lot of nutrients, the more phytoplankton will breed. Phytoplankton will also attract zooplankton," he continued.

Please note, each phytoplankton and zooplankton has many species. Each species has a variety of different colors.

When their number is very large in a certain area but is very large, it will produce a unique marine color orchestra known as color illumination.

Color illumination that occurs in the sea at night, apart from being raised by plankton organisms, is also assisted by long waves of solar energy (long wave solar radiation) released by the sea into space.

Where does "long wave solar radiation" come from?

Widodo continued, long wave solar radiation appears during the day between 6 am and 6 pm, the oceans in tropical Indonesia will receive solar energy.

"This solar energy is a form of short wave energy or often referred to as short wave solar radiation," Widodo said.

Then, the solar energy when it enters the sea water, will be temporarily stored by the sea water.

Later, the energy will be released back into space into 'long wave solar radiation' at night.

He added, the saltier the seawater or the higher the salt content in seawater, the higher and longer solar energy will be stored temporarily.

According to him, the cause of the Milky Seas is the massive phytoplankton at the surface to a depth of about 10 meters.

Therefore, when the concentration of phytoplankton is higher, the color of the light spectrum that will be reflected into the sky will become brighter or whiter, approaching the color of milk, so it is said to be a Milky Seas phenomenon.

Source: Kompas.com

Author: Retia Kartika Dewi

Editor: Rendika Ferri Kurniawan


Milky Seas phenomenon

Milky Seas

Cause of Milky Seas

Milky Seas is

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Viral, Solo Residents Buy Monstera Variegata Plants for IDR 225 million

A resident of Kadipiro, Solo Sri Hastuti, went viral on social media (medsos) after buying a pair of plants at a fantastic price, which was Rp. 225 million. [Tiktok]

SuaraSurakarta.id - A resident of Kadipiro, Solo, Sri Hastuti, has gone viral on social media (social media) tiktok.

He went viral after buying a pair of plants at a fantastic price, which was IDR 225 million.

The plant purchased is a large The Monstera Variegata plant with a height of 2 meters.

The viral purchase of plants for Rp. 225 million was first uploaded by the tiktok account @kiplivariasi.

In this @kiplivariasi account upload photos, videos, and payment receipts on behalf of Sri Rejeki Kedaton's business whose owner is Sri Hastuti.

                                           Social media screenshot (social media) tiktok.

Uploaded photos of The Monstera plant and the buyer among the ornamental plants he bought while showing the receipt.

While the video uploaded is about a pickup truck carrying the two plants.

The owner of the @kiplivariasi tiktok account, when confirmed, Mulyono said that the two plants were purchased for Rp. 1,500,000, Rp. 700,000 and Rp. 800,000, respectively.

Bought as a child about three years ago, then treated to a large and 2 meters high.

"The treatment took a long time, about three years. If I bought it new, last Friday (10/9/2021), it was the owner of my neighbor in Tawangmangu," he said, Saturday (11/9/2021).

Previously there were many who bid but had not been given a different price. Finally the owner met the one who bought it now.

"There were Rp. 100 million who bid, there was also Rp. 150 million, then Rp. 180 million. But they were not given, only after someone offered Rp. 225 million they were given up," he said.

According to him, not everyone has the monstera plant or it is rare. This plant has been viral for a long time, it can reach that price because of the one who has it.

Then the plant is big and the leaves are still beautiful.

Meanwhile, the buyer of the Sri Rejeki Sekar Kedaton variegated monster plant, Sri Hastuti, said that buying the plant for Rp 225 million includes a bonus.

The plants purchased from the residents of Tawangmangu are planned to be sold again to ornamental plant collectors.

"This is a rare plant so the price is expensive. The torn middle leaf is natural, there are variegata residents. So this is special," he explained.

In addition, this variegata monster plant includes plants that are easy to care for.

"This is a stubborn plant. It is not difficult to maintain, very easy," he concluded.

Source: SuaraSurakarta.id - Ronald Seger Prabowo

Contributor : Ari Welianto


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Can be imitated, this is how to iron clothes when the lights go out

                             Life Hack Ironing Clothes When the Lights Off (TikTok)

Suara.com - Power outages or blackouts can be very inconvenient, especially when we want to do daily activities.

This is exactly what happened to a family, who shared their moment of blackout in a viral video on TikTok.

However, there is something that makes netizens focus wrong, when the video uploaded by the @badilskuii account shows a row of candles being used by a mother to do something.

Initially, many netizens thought that the mother was doing a 'ritual'. However, after being noticed, he was ironing his school uniform in a unique way, which most people might not think of.

In the darkness, the mother used a small saucepan, which she heated over a candle. After it was hot enough, he was seen putting it on top of the child's school uniform, like ironing in general.

"The moment when there was no confirmation of the Samsek from PLN, my uniform had not been ironed. Mother liked it. Mukidi cried seeing this," wrote the account owner explaining what activity his mother was doing.

Of course this caught the attention of netizens, and even inspired many people to do it when they were about to iron, but there was no electricity.

The video has so far been viewed up to 3.9 million times with 522 thousand likes and various funny comments.

"That's the great thing about a mother, she can do anything, which we ourselves are children, sometimes impossible to do," said @iimxx_30.

Heh, I never thought of this when the lights went out," wrote @xjxxhr.

"I'm really sorry, I thought it was a ritual," said @14xxx.

"I'm already suudzon first, Astaghfirullah. I think I'm sped up," said @nisx.xxx.

Source: Suara.com

              Risna Halidi | Dinda Rachmawati


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# Power failure

# viral videos

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Viral Video White Line in the Sky, Called Poison Spread in Jagakarsa Sky, This is what the Indonesian Air Force said

Screenshot of a viral video narrating that poison was spread in the sky of Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.  (TWITTER)

TRIBUNJABAR.ID - A 30-second airplane video has gone viral on social media. In the video, you can see a curved white line in the sky.

From the video, a man's voice can be heard calling the curved white line a poison that was spread in the sky of Jagakarsa, South Jakarta.

"In the sky of Jagakarsa, above the sky of Jagakarsa, poison is being spread. It's bad, it's bad, it's bad," said a voice that was heard from the video that went viral on Twitter.

As of Friday (10/9/2021) afternoon, the video has been viewed more than 11,000 times, shared 142 times, and liked 294 times by netizens on Twitter.

Reporting from Kompas.com, regarding the viral video claim, the Indonesian Air Force confirmed that the narrative revealed by the man was a hoax.

"Yes, it's a hoax," said Head of the Air Force Information Service Marsma TNI Indan Gilang Buldansyah when confirmed by Kompas.com, Friday (10/9/2021).

Indan said the curved white lines were traces of airplane condensation.

"The phenomenon of white trails is known as aircraft condensation trails (contrails)," said Indan.

He explained that the condensation trail is the result of condensation of air with a high water content that rubs against the aircraft engine.

Condensation trails, continued Indan, some call them vapor trails. However, when the white line glows or expands like a cloud, it is called an aviaticus cloud.

Flight missions carry chemicals

Indan said, for certain purposes, there were indeed several flight missions carrying chemicals.

"For example, in the TMC mission, the plane carrying NaCl was spread in a cloudy area for the purpose of accelerating the occurrence of rain," he explained.

In addition, there are aircraft that carry chemicals to extinguish fires in an area.

There are also planes that carry fertilizers or chemical pesticides to stop pests from attacking agricultural or plantation areas.

Indan does not deny that this kind of information often appears and spreads on social media.

"Yes, I've been there before. People should ask the competent authorities before disseminating any information," said Indan.


Editor: Seli Andina Miranti


viral on social media



South Jakarta


Indonesian Air Force

Marsma TNI Indan Gilang Buldansyah



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Hyundai Motors Indonesia Presents the Spot Four-Legged Smart Robot

With this collaboration between Hyundai Motor Group and Boston Dynamics, Hyundai has taken another major step towards realizing the mobility of the future. (doc. Hyundai)

JawaPos.com – PT Hyundai Motors Indonesia (HMID) officially introduced Spot, a four-legged smart robot from Boston Dynamics. By bringing Spot to Indonesia, HMID wants to showcase Hyundai's global vision, 'Progress for Humanity', which brings about a new era of robotics.

The strategic transformation at the global level from Hyundai as a Smart Mobility Solution Provider will elevate current mobility services to the next level. This is to provide the best experience for customers.

With this collaboration between Hyundai Motor Group and Boston Dynamics, Hyundai has taken another major step towards realizing the mobility of the future. Hyundai sees that robotics has great potential to improve the quality of life at work, at home and anywhere.

Through this synergy, Hyundai Motor Group will continue to develop its mobility concept in the future, including autonomous cars, logistics, and Urban Air Mobility.

Spot, a four-legged smart robot, is the first robot from Boston Dynamics to be commercialized. Spot's four legs move agilely and are able to avoid obstacles and traverse rough surfaces much better than using a wheel.

In addition, the four legs are also sturdy enough to support loads up to a maximum of 13.6 kg of luggage or cargo.

SungJong Ha, President Director of HMID said, “Hyundai has consistently strengthened its position as a game-changer through various leading breakthroughs in order to achieve our vision of Progress for Humanity.

He added that Spot's presence in Indonesia will emphasize that Hyundai's expertise globally is not only limited to presenting quality cars, but also focuses and relentlessly brings various innovations.

Furthermore, Ha revealed, “The future where humans and robots will coexist has come faster than we thought. At this time, Hyundai has become a daily lifetime partner for many people.”

According to him, Spot will soon become a smart assistant and companion for many people too. "I invite all Hyundai customers and automotive connoisseurs to visit our exhibition area at Mall Kelapa Gading, followed by a presence at the Hyundai City Store in various locations in Jakarta, to greet Spot."

Spot will perform smart acts such as dancing and walking around the Hyundai Exhibition area to welcome visitors and customers at The Forum, Mall Kelapa Gading 3, from 1-5 September 2021, followed by a series of performances at Hyundai City Stores.

Source: JawaPos.com

Editor : Dony Lesmana Eko Putra


Hyundai Robots

Hyundai Motor Group

Hyundai Spot

Spot Robot

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BREAKING NEWS: Tangerang Class 1 Prison Fires, 41 People Killed, 8 Seriously Injured

    The fire occurred at the Tangerang Class I Prison, located on Jalan Veteran, Tangerang, Banten, Wednesday (8/9/2021) at around 02.00 WIB.   (Capture Screen KOMPASTV)

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - A fire broke out in the Class I Tangerang prison, located on Jalan Veteran, Tangerang, Banten, Wednesday (8/9/2021) at around 02.00 WIB.

The fire that occurred in the early hours of the morning occurred in Block C, Class I Lapas, Tangerang.

As a result, 41 people died in the incident.

In addition, there are eight seriously injured people who are now being treated at the Tangerang Hospital.

Meanwhile, as many as 31 people were slightly injured at the Class 1 Tangerang prison clinic.

The Head of Public Relations of the Directorate General of Prisons at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Rika Aprianti, said Block C contained 122 inmates with drug cases.

While guarding there are 15 people per team

"Now we are concentrating on recovering the victims and repairing prisons."

"We are also investigating the cause of immortality," said Rita.

"On behalf of the extended family of the prison, we express our condolences and will take it seriously," added Rita.

Currently, the remaining residents of the Class I prison have been evacuated to a safe location.

Meanwhile, based on information from the Tangerang City Fire Department, Sugiyono, his party received the report at 02.30 WIB, Wednesday (9/8/2021).

Then the Fire Department then deployed a team of 20 personnel to extinguish the fire.

All units of fire engines in Tangerang City were also sent to the location to control the red rooster.

According to Sugiyono, when he received the report, the fire that burned the prison located at Jalan Veteran No. 2, Babakan Village, Tangerang District, Tangerang City had already grown.

As of this morning, officers are still trying to cool the scene.

The alleged cause of the fire in the Class 1 Tangerang prison was an electrical short circuit.

However, this is still only conjecture, so further investigation is needed.

Quoted from Kompas.tv, the fire in Tangerang Prison occurred around 02.00 WIB.

Currently, smoke can still be seen rising from block C.

Meanwhile, dozens of policemen stood guard around the prison.

Officers immediately evacuated the survivors to a safe place so as not to escape.

Police will also immediately investigate the cause of the fire.

Of the 7 blocks in Tangerang prison, only 1 block was burned because of the location of the fire.

The reason is, the distance between blocks is far.

The Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General M. Fadil Imran, has also visited the location of the fire.

Editor: Sri Juliati

Source: TribunSolo.com



Breaking News

Fire in Tangerang Prison

Tangerang prison


Rika Aprianti

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Shopee's warehouse in Sunter is on fire, Management is ready to compensate

                                                          Fire Illustration (CNN)

Jakarta, law-justice.co - A fire destroyed the Dunex C Warehouse in Sunter Agung, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. One of the warehouses that caught fire in the block was occupied by the Shopee Indonesia marketplace.

"There has been a fire in one of Shopee's warehouses in the Tanjung Priok area, North Jakarta, on Sunday, September 5, 2021 night," said Head of Public Affairs Shopee Indonesia, Radynal Nataprawira, in a written statement, Monday (6/9/2021).

Radynal said the fire had no effect on the delivery process for the customer's goods. The delivery process was carried out before the fire occurred.

“There were no problems with the delivery of orders, because the delivery process had been completed the day before the incident. Shipments from other warehouses continue to run normally," added Radynal.

Even so, there were a number of items that caught fire. Regarding this, Radynal ensured that Shopee would compensate for all burned items.

"The seller's burned goods have been insured and Shopee will compensate the affected seller," he said.

Meanwhile, his party is studying the fire incident and making security improvements in every other warehouse. "Currently, the team is studying further regarding this incident to improve security in other warehouses," he concluded.

Shopee Warehouse at Dunex

The Dunex warehousing complex in Sunter is managed by the logistics company PT Dunia Express Transindo. This warehouse occupies an area of ​​220,000 square meters and is only 5 km from the Tanjung Priok port. This warehouse is divided into several blocks, Shopee occupies block C, which was engulfed in fire last night.

Quoted from the official website, Dunex is experienced in handling various types of cargo, especially oil & gas automative, FMCG, electronics, textiles, machinery, as well as handling project cargo that requires special handling and distribution to remote areas.

Apart from Sunter, Dunex also has warehouses in other cities.


Source: law-justice.co

Editor: Devi Puspitasari


Shopee Warehouse on fire



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Makassar City Government Innovation Using Drones in Handling Covid-19 on Floating Ships Becomes Foreign Media's Attention

The "Makassar Recover Drone Medic" team sent medicines to Covid-19 patients in Floating Isolation (Photo: online24jam.com)

Online24, Makassar - The Makassar city government's innovative work in handling COVID-19 under the leadership of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Makassar, Danny Pomanto - Fatmawati Rusdi continues to receive positive attention from various foreign media. The Makassar Recover program, which uses the KM Umsini ship as a floating isolation site, which was highlighted by foreign media some time ago, is now getting the attention of foreign media again in handling covid in floating isolation using drones.

The Makassar city government uses the aerial skills of "Drones" to help during the pandemic by providing drug delivery services to Covid-19 patients in Floating Isolation, that has become a topic in the foreign media. Meanwhile, foreign media that have raised the issue of handling Covid using drones, including reuters.com, astroawani.com, channelnewsasia.com and malaysianow.com, adopted the title "In Indonesia, drone deliveries provide a lifeline for isolating Covid-19 patients"

Makassar Recover spokesperson Dr. Natsar “Aloq” Desi said that the delivery of drugs using drones to reduce the mobility of people from outside was still being carried out. "To reduce the mobilization of drug intermediaries using drones to the Floating Isolation ship," said Natsar.

Aloq said that the Makassar city government continues to work hard to break the chain of covid, according to him, the use of drones for drug delivery is not to be brave but this is a form of the Makassar city government's commitment in the Makassar recovery program to reduce the number of Covid-19 transmissions. "The use of these drones is purely to help residents undergoing Floating isolation, we are certainly grateful for the attention of foreign media on what the Makassar City Government is doing in handling Covid," Aloq concluded.

Source: online24jam.com

Author: Diksdiks


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Unique, This Entrepreneur Makes Covid-19 Vaccination Barcode Tattoos on Hands

                                                  (photo: iNews.id/Kismaya Wibowo)

YOGYAKARTA, iNews.id – An unusual thing is done by Adhitya Putratama, a snoerkeling equipment rental entrepreneur in Yogyakarta. He has a tattoo of a Covid-19 vaccination barcode on his hand.

"This is a sign that if the Covid-19 pandemic has passed, it will become a keepsake. This is a form of satisfaction in itself," said Adhitya in Gunungkidul, Friday (3/9/2021).

This father of one child from the Baleharjo Village, Kapanewon Wonosari, wants to have memories when the Covid-19 pandemic has passed.

Tattoos have recently become a form of artistic expression that is in great demand by young people. Tattoo images are no longer scary with beautiful color combinations. Many people deliberately tattoo their body parts for their own satisfaction.

Adhitya has been working as a snorkeling equipment rental manager at Nglambor Beach, Gunungkidul. At first he refused with this vaccination. This is inseparable from all of his businesses that have fallen due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Later he realized the benefits of vaccination. Moreover, the government's policy will open a tourist attraction if 80 percent of tourism managers have received the vaccine. On August 28, he received the first dose of the vaccine.

"Seeing this tattoo will also make it easier to check proof of vaccination," said the bespectacled man.

He also felt it would be easier to move with a tattoo on his right arm. Especially if later all shopping centers and public facilities can only be accessed when they have to get vaccinated.

"It is enough to show that this barcode is already known if it is vaccinated," he said.

Source: iNewsBali.id - Kismaya Wibowo

Editor : Reza Yunanto




Covid-19 vaccination



Covid-19 pandemic

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